Vesoi Lighting - iegādāties itāļu dizaina lampas Page 2 | Luminesy


Vesoi - vizionārs vienkāršības un inovāciju apvienojums

Vesoi, kas radās astoņdesmito gadu sākumā, ir konsekventi paplašinājis apgaismojuma tehnoloģiju robežas, radot apgaismes ierīces, kas ir kļuvušas par unikālu izteiksmes valodu. Šis itāļu apgaismojuma pionieris apvieno starpdisciplināru kultūru ar savdabīgu estētiku, kas ietver vienkāršību un inovācijas.

Vesoi piedāvājumā, sākot ar pēc pasūtījuma izstrādātiem projektiem un beidzot ar atsevišķiem gaismekļiem, izstaro filozofiju, kas cildina dizaina vienkāršību un gaismas spēku pārveidot telpas. Vesoi rokās apgaismojums kļūst par rīku, ar kura palīdzību arhitekti un dizaineri var radīt neparastu vidi.

Dažas no Vesoi izcilākajām kolekcijām ir Elica, Lente un Punto.

Luminesy mēs lepojamies, ka mūsu sortimentā ir visi Vesoi apgaismojuma produkti - ja nevarat atrast meklēto, sazinieties ar mums!

LEGO - Sienas Lampa


Playful Illumination: The Versatile Vesoi Lego Wall Light Upgrade your space with the Vesoi Lego Wall Light, a sleek aluminum sconce that adds a contemporary touch to any interior. This...



Elevate Your Ambiance with the Vesoi Incasso Tretrezero Spotlight Introduce precise accent lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Tretrezero Spotlight, a high-performance recessed fixture designed to emphasize your space with style....



Transform Your Space with the Vesoi Incasso Trequattrozero Spotlight Create stunning accent lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Trequattrozero Spotlight, a sleek and versatile recessed luminaire that enhances your home or...



Sleek and Efficient Vesoi Incasso Treottozero Spotlight for Modern Spaces Upgrade your lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Treottozero Spotlight, a contemporary recessed spotlight designed to add a touch of elegance...



Precision Lighting with the Stylish Vesoi Incasso Trenovezero Spotlight Transform your space with the Vesoi Incasso Trenovezero Spotlight, an innovative recessed spotlight offering precision accent lighting. Made from durable aluminum...



Illuminate Precisely with the Versatile Vesoi Incasso Trecinquezero Spotlight Upgrade your lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Trecinquezero Spotlight, a high-efficiency recessed spotlight perfect for accentuating any space. Crafted from durable...

ILED - Spotlampa


Elevate Your Space with the Sleek Vesoi ILED Spotlight Introduce sleek sophistication to your interiors with the Vesoi ILED Spotlight, an aluminum spotlight that embodies minimalism and innovation. This daring...

ILED - Piekaramā Lampa


Elevate Your Space with the Sleek Vesoi ILED Pendant Light Introduce sleek sophistication to your interiors with the Vesoi ILED Pendant Light, an aluminum pendant light that embodies minimalism and...

ICS - Sienas Lampa


Transform Your Walls with the Stylish Vesoi ICS Wall Light Illuminate your interiors with the versatile Vesoi ICS Wall Light, a brass wall sconce that blends traditional materials and modern...

ICS - Griestu Lampa


Illuminate Your Space with the Elegant Vesoi ICS Ceiling Light Introducing the Vesoi ICS Ceiling Light, a timeless fusion of aluminum or brass and glass that elevates any room. This...

I...NO - Stāvlampa


Experience the Warmth and Style of the Vesoi i...no Floor Lamp Transform your living space with the Vesoi i...no Floor Lamp, a stunning steel structure lighting solution that brings warmth...

I...NO - Piekaramā Lampa


Elevate Your Space with the Warm Vesoi i...no Pendant Light Introducing the Vesoi i...no Pendant Light, an elegant dome-shaped lighting solution that instantly transforms any room with its warm, indirect...

GIRO TONDO - Sienas Lampa


Illuminate Your Space with the Chic Vesoi GIRO Tondo Wall Light Transform your interior with the sophisticated Vesoi GIRO Tondo Wall Light, an elegant aluminum wall light designed to elevate...

GIRO TONDO - Piekaramā Lampa


Simplify Your Space with the Modern Vesoi GIRO Tondo Pendant Light Upgrade your interior with the sleek and modern Vesoi GIRO Tondo Pendant Light, a versatile aluminum pendant light designed...

33GIRI - Stāvlampa


Elevate Your Space with the Timeless Vesoi 33GIRI Floor Lamp Introduce timeless elegance to your home or commercial space with the Vesoi 33GIRI Floor Lamp, featuring an unconventional design that...

FILTRO - Piekaramā Lampa


Filter the light in your Space with the Vesoi Filtro Pendant Light Enhance your interior with the Vesoi Filtro Pendant Light, an adjustable pendant light designed to create a soft...

DOVEVUOI - Sienas Lampa


Flexible Illumination with the Vesoi Dovevuoi Wall Light Upgrade your interior lighting with the Vesoi Dovevuoi Wall Light, a versatile adjustable aluminum wall sconce designed to adapt to any environment....

DF - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


Experience Minimalist Artistry with the Vesoi DF Ceiling / Wall Light Illuminate your living space with the Vesoi DF Ceiling / Wall Light, a versatile aluminum multifunctional light inspired by...

C-YL - Piekaramā Lampa


Transform Your Space with the Eye-Catching Vesoi C-YL Pendant Light Introduce a stunning piece of LED Lighting to your home with the Vesoi C-YL Pendant Light, a captivating fixture designed...

CARO - Piekaramā Lampa


Elevate Your Space with the Distinctive Vesoi Caro Pendant Light Introducing the Vesoi Caro Pendant Light, a captivating lighting solution designed to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to...

BUDINO - Piekaramā Lampa


Illuminate Your Home with the Contemporary Vesoi Budino Pendant Light Presenting the Vesoi Budino Pendant Light, a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics, designed to elevate your home lighting experience....

BUDINO - Griestu Lampa


Illuminate Your Home with the Contemporary Vesoi Budino Ceiling Light Presenting the Vesoi Budino Ceiling Light, a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics, designed to elevate your home lighting experience....

BOW137 - Stāvlampa


Illuminate Your Space with the Sleek Vesoi BOW137 Floor Lamp Introducing the Vesoi BOW137 Floor Lamp, a stunning lighting solution that brings new lighting scenarios to your living spaces. This...

BIJOUX - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


Elevate Your Interiors with the Sophisticated Vesoi Bijoux Wall / Ceiling Light Introducing the Vesoi Bijoux Wall / Ceiling Light, a masterful creation that combines elegance and design to create...

BIJOUX - Galda Lampa


Elevate Your Interiors with the Sophisticated Vesoi Bijoux Table Lamp Introducing the Vesoi Bijoux Table Lamp, a masterful creation that combines elegance and design to create the perfect atmosphere in...

AR111 - Piekaramā Lampa


Transform Your Space with the Innovative Vesoi AR111 Pendant Light Introducing the Vesoi AR111 Pendant Light, a cutting-edge suspension lamp that revolutionizes the concept of technical lighting. Boasting a unique...


Itālijā, valstī, kas ir slavena ar savu dizaina meistarību un progresīvākajām tehnoloģijām, atrodas Vesoi - zīmols, kas jau kopš 80. gadiem nepārtraukti ir bijis apgaismojuma dizaina avangardā. Vesoi ir dibināts, balstoties uz vienkāršības un inovācijas principiem, un ar saviem pārveidojošajiem apgaismojuma risinājumiem ir spējis prognozēt un veidot mūsdienu gaumi.

Šīs gaismas "mikroarhitektūras", kas ir daudzpusīgas un vienkāršas konfigurācijas, atspoguļo Vesoi pieeju, lai ieviestu inovācijas veidā, kā mēs izjūtam gaismu un telpu. Rezultātā Vesoi apgaismojums pārsniedz funkcionalitātes robežas, kļūstot par radošu spēku, kas no parastā pārvērš neparasto par neparasto.

Vesoi panākumus uzskata par nepārtrauktas izaugsmes un attīstības katalizatoru, vienmēr cenšoties izgaismot dizaina nākotni.

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