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Ferroluce Lighting - itāļu amatniecība un mūsdienu elegance

1982. gadā Valtera un Mirjamas dibinātais uzņēmums Ferroluce saglabā itāļu amatniecības izcilību, iedzīvinot to katrā izgatavotajā priekšmetā. Šis zīmols, kas sakņojas dziļā cieņā pret tradīcijām, nevainojami apvieno senatnes šarmu ar mūsdienīgu estētiku.

Ferroluce komanda savā Itālijas ražotnē izmanto tradicionālo paņēmienu un novatorisku dizaina pieeju apvienojumu, lai ražotu unikāli skaistas un funkcionālas lampas. Zīmola aizraušanās ar hromatisko alķīmiju un izstrādājumu harmoniskās formas atšķir Ferroluce no masveidā ražotiem apgaismes ķermeņiem.

Dažas no Ferroluce iecienītākajām kolekcijām ir Venere, Cecilia, Retro un citas.

Luminesy mēs piedāvājam visus Ferroluce apgaismojuma produktus. Ja nevarat atrast to, ko meklējat, sazinieties ar mums!

BERIMBAU DOUBLE C2601 - Sienas Lampa


Experience Architectural Allure with the Ferroluce Berimbau Double C2601 Wall Light Immerse yourself in the world of architectural allure with the Ferroluce Berimbau Double C2601 Wall Light. This unique wall...

COLORS C1630 - Sienas Lampa


Ferroluce Colors C1630 Wall Light: Colorful Ceramic Sconce Infuse your space with the vibrancy of colored ceramics and the timeless allure of antique brass with the Ferroluce Colors C1630 Wall...

INDUSTRIAL C1650 - Galda Lampa


Retro Industrial Table Lamp: Ferroluce Industrial C1650 Unveiling an extraordinary fusion of vintage charm and industrial design, the Ferroluce Industrial C1650 Table Lamp is a delightful addition to your home...

COLORS D.35 C1631 - Piekaramā Lampa


Ferroluce Colors C1631 Pendant Light: Colorful Ceramic Suspension Infuse your space with the vibrancy of colored ceramics and the timeless allure of antique brass with the Ferroluce Colors C1631 Pendant...

INDUSTRIAL C1750 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1750 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1750 pendant light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1720 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1720 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1720 pendant light. This piece marries vintage design...

L'AQUILA C013 - Griestu Lampa


Classic Pleated Ceramic Lighting: Ferroluce L'Aquila C013 Ceiling Light Exuding "classic elegance", the Ferroluce L'Aquila C013 Ceiling Light is a testament to the enduring beauty of handcrafted ceramics. This ceiling...

BERIMBAU SMALL C2610 - Piekaramā Lampa


Experience the stunning reflections of ceramic surfaces with the Ferroluce Berimbau Small C2610 Pendant Light Immerse yourself in the world of architectural allure with the Ferroluce Berimbau Small C2610 Pendant...

BERIMBAU C2600 - Sienas Lampa


Experience Architectural Allure with the Ferroluce Berimbau C2600 Wall Light Immerse yourself in the world of architectural allure with the Ferroluce Berimbau C2600 Wall Light. This unique wall sconce is...

PI D.8.5 C985 - Griestu Lampa


Experience Geometric Precision with the Ferroluce PI D.8.5 C985 Ceiling Light Dive into a world of formal precision with the Ferroluce PI D.8.5 C985 Ceiling Light. This lighting solution distinguishes...

MATECA C989 - Griestu Lampa


Ferroluce Mateca C989 Ceiling Light: Minimalist Ceramic Fixture Experience the Nordic minimalism with the Ferroluce Mateca C989 Ceiling Light. This minimalist ceramic fixture integrates the essence of simple lines and...

MATECA C988 - Piekaramā Lampa


Ferroluce Mateca C988 Pendant Light: Minimalist Ceramic Pendant Experience the Nordic minimalism with the Ferroluce Mateca C988 Pendant Light. This minimalist ceramic pendant integrates the essence of simple lines and...

COLORS D.30 C1635 - Piekaramā Lampa


Ferroluce Colors C1635 Pendant Light: Colorful Ceramic Suspension Infuse your space with the vibrancy of colored ceramics and the timeless allure of antique brass with the Ferroluce Colors C1635 Pendant...

COLORS D.30 C1633 - Griestu Lampa


Ferroluce Colors C1633 Ceiling Light: Colorful Ceramic Luminaire Infuse your space with the vibrancy of colored ceramics and the timeless allure of antique brass with the Ferroluce Colors C1633 Ceiling...

COLORS RISE AND FALL D.35 C1632 - Piekaramā Lampa


Ferroluce Colors C1632 Pendant Light: Colorful Ceramic Suspension Infuse your space with the vibrancy of colored ceramics and the timeless allure of antique brass with the Ferroluce Colors C1632 Pendant...

VINTAGE C1419 - Sienas Lampa


Ferroluce Vintage C1419 Wall Light: Retro Ceramic Sconce Immerse your spaces in the fusion of mid-century modern and industrial design with the Ferroluce Vintage C1419 Wall Light. This sconce delivers...

VINTAGE C1418 - Sienas Lampa


Ferroluce Vintage C1418 Wall Light: Retro Ceramic Sconce Immerse your spaces in the fusion of mid-century modern and industrial design with the Ferroluce Vintage C1418 Wall Light. This sconce delivers...

VINTAGE C1417 - Piekaramā Lampa


Ferroluce Vintage C1417 Pendant: Retro Industrial Lighting Exuding mid-century modern aesthetics coupled with an industrial twist, the Ferroluce Vintage C1417 Pendant Light adds a unique, retro-industrial touch to various interior...

VINTAGE C1415 - Piekaramā Lampa


Ferroluce Vintage C1415 Pendant: Retro Industrial Lighting Exuding mid-century modern aesthetics coupled with an industrial twist, the Ferroluce Vintage C1415 Pendant Light adds a unique, retro-industrial touch to various interior...

VINTAGE C1413 - Piekaramā Lampa


Ferroluce Vintage C1413 Pendant: Retro Industrial Lighting Exuding mid-century modern aesthetics coupled with an industrial twist, the Ferroluce Vintage C1413 Pendant Light adds a unique, retro-industrial touch to various interior...

VINTAGE C1410 - Piekaramā Lampa


Ferroluce Vintage C1410 Pendant: Retro Industrial Lighting Exuding mid-century modern aesthetics coupled with an industrial twist, the Ferroluce Vintage C1410 Pendant Light adds a unique, retro-industrial touch to various interior...

INDUSTRIAL C2345 - Galda Lampa


Retro Industrial Table Lamp: Ferroluce Industrial C2345 Unveiling an extraordinary fusion of vintage charm and industrial design, the Ferroluce Industrial C2345 Table Lamp is a delightful addition to your home...

INDUSTRIAL C2342 - Griestu Lampa


Vintage Industrial Ceiling Light: Ferroluce Industrial C2342 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C2342 ceiling light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C2340 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial C2340 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C2340 pendant light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1770 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1770 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1770 pendant light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1760 - Griestu Lampa


Vintage Industrial Ceiling Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1760 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1760 ceiling light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1755 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1755 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1755 pendant light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1745 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1745 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1745 pendant light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1710 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1710 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1710 pendant light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1693 - Sienas Lampa


Vintage Industrial Wall Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1693 Presenting a remarkable blend of vintage aesthetics and industrial design, the Ferroluce Industrial C1693 Wall Light adds a hint of retro flair to...

INDUSTRIAL 3-LIGHTS C1692 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial 3-Lights C1692 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1692 pendant light. This piece marries vintage...

INDUSTRIAL D.23 C1691 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial D.23 C1691 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1691 pendant light. This piece marries vintage...

INDUSTRIAL D.40 C1690 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial D.40 C1690 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1690 pendant light. This piece marries vintage...

INDUSTRIAL C1681 - Sienas Lampa


Vintage Industrial Wall Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1681 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1681 wall light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1680 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1680 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1680 pendant light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1658 - Griestu Lampa


Vintage Industrial Ceiling Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1658 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1658 ceiling light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1657 - Piekaramā Lampa


Vintage Industrial Pendant Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1657 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1657 pendant light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1656 - Sienas Lampa


Vintage Industrial Wall Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1656 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1656 wall light. This piece marries vintage design...

INDUSTRIAL C1655 - Galda Lampa


Retro Industrial Table Lamp: Ferroluce Industrial C1655 Unveiling an extraordinary fusion of vintage charm and industrial design, the Ferroluce Industrial C1655 Table Lamp is a delightful addition to your home...

INDUSTRIAL C1653 - Griestu Lampa


Vintage Industrial Ceiling Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1653 Immerse your surroundings in an ambiance reminiscent of a bygone era with the Ferroluce Industrial C1653 ceiling light. This piece marries vintage design...


Ferroluce, kas nāk no Itālijas sirds, iemieso ideālu pagātnes un tagadnes apvienojumu, apvienojot laika pārbaudītas vērtības ar modernu dizaina izjūtu. Savu dibinātāju gādībā Ferroluce ir kļuvis par dinamisku zīmolu, kas pārkāpj robežas un apmierina prasīgo klientu gaumi visā pasaulē.

Katra Ferroluce lampa ir stāsts, kas stāsta par tās radīšanas ceļu no dizainera skices līdz amatnieka pieskārienam. Tas nav tikai apgaismojuma risinājums, bet gan Itālijas mantojuma gabals, kas atdzīvināts, pateicoties rūpīgai meistarībai.

Zīmola nepārtrauktie centieni pilnveidoties un vīzija panākt itāļu apgaismojuma dizaina starptautisku atpazīstamību ir Ferroluce dzinējspēks. Ieskatieties Ferroluce pasaulē un ļaujiet, lai viņu unikālo izstrādājumu šarms izgaismo jūsu telpu.

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