Plaukti | Luminesy


Izrotājiet savas sienas ar mūsu atšķirīgo plauktu kolekciju

Plaukti ir ne tikai praktiski uzglabāšanas risinājumi, bet arī platforma, kur parādīt savu personīgo stilu un dārgākās kolekcijas. Mūsu pārdomāti atlasīto plauktu sortiments aptver dažādus dizainus, sākot no gluda mūsdienu minimālisma līdz pat noturīgai klasiskai elegancei, kas sola harmonisku saderību ar jūsu interjeru.

Labi organizēta plaukta pārveidojošais potenciāls sniedzas tālāk par tā funkcionālo lomu. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai radāt mājvietu savām iecienītākajām grāmatām, izvietojāt vērtīgus nieciņus vai racionalizējāt savu darba vietu, mūsu daudzpusīgie plaukti piešķirs jūsu interjeram īpašu šarmu. Paaugstiniet savu telpu un paudiet savu unikālo estētisko valodu, izmantojot mūsu klāsta neizteikto izsmalcinātību.

    WALLIE - Sienas Atvilktne

    €190,00 €200,00

    WOUD Wallie Wall Drawer: Where Elegance Meets Utility The WOUD Wallie Wall Drawer fuses the rich tones of bent walnut with the stark robustness of solid black metal, presenting an...

    LINEAS 58 - Shelf

    €1.345,00 €1.575,00

    Elevate Your Space with the Lineas Shelf by Porada Introducing the Lineas Shelf, a masterpiece of craftsmanship and design by Porada, where the elegance of horizontal lines meets the beauty...

    LINEAS 117 - Shelf

    €2.200,00 €2.630,00

    Elevate Your Space with the Lineas Shelf by Porada Introducing the Lineas Shelf, a masterpiece of craftsmanship and design by Porada, where the elegance of horizontal lines meets the beauty...

    UTILITY - Plaukts


    WOUD Utility Shelf: Elegance Meets Everyday Functionality The WOUD Utility Shelf emerges as an eloquent testament to ingenious design, seamlessly fusing the convenience of a cupboard with the airy aesthetics...

    Paplāte LOW - Plaukts

    €1.485,00 €1.685,00

    WOUD Tray Low Shelf: Adaptive Elegance in Design Introducing the WOUD Tray Low Shelf, a masterclass in sleek lines, captivating symmetry, and uncluttered expression. Crafted with versatility in mind, the...

    ELEVATE - Plaukts

    €80,00 €375,00

    WOUD Elevate Shelving System: Versatility Elevated The WOUD Elevate Shelving System emerges as an epitome of flexibility and aesthetic brilliance. Tailored to champion modularity, Elevate offers a canvas of boundless...

    Paplāte HIGH - Plaukts

    €3.090,00 €3.445,00

    WOUD Tray High Shelf: Adaptive Elegance in Design Introducing the WOUD Tray High Shelf, a masterclass in sleek lines, captivating symmetry, and uncluttered expression. Crafted with versatility in mind, the...

    ELEVATE - Savienojums

    €35,00 €95,00

    WOUD Elevate Shelving System: Versatility Elevated The WOUD Elevate Shelving System emerges as an epitome of flexibility and aesthetic brilliance. Tailored to champion modularity, Elevate offers a canvas of boundless...

    ELEVATE - Galda Panelis


    WOUD Elevate Shelving System: Versatility Elevated The WOUD Elevate Shelving System emerges as an epitome of flexibility and aesthetic brilliance. Tailored to champion modularity, Elevate offers a canvas of boundless...

    ELEVATE - 2-Durvju Skapītis


    WOUD Elevate Shelving System: Versatility Elevated The WOUD Elevate Shelving System emerges as an epitome of flexibility and aesthetic brilliance. Tailored to champion modularity, Elevate offers a canvas of boundless...

    ELEVATE - Aizmugures Panelis

    €95,00 €175,00

    WOUD Elevate Shelving System: Versatility Elevated The WOUD Elevate Shelving System emerges as an epitome of flexibility and aesthetic brilliance. Tailored to champion modularity, Elevate offers a canvas of boundless...

    ELEVATE - Plaukti

    €780,00 €3.835,00

    WOUD Elevate Shelving System: Versatility Elevated The WOUD Elevate Shelving System emerges as an epitome of flexibility and aesthetic brilliance. Tailored to champion modularity, Elevate offers a canvas of boundless...

    ELEVATE - Sānu/Aizmugures Paneļi


    WOUD Elevate Shelving System: Versatility Elevated The WOUD Elevate Shelving System emerges as an epitome of flexibility and aesthetic brilliance. Tailored to champion modularity, Elevate offers a canvas of boundless...

    BRICKS CUBE - Plaukts

    €375,00 €470,00

    WOUD Bricks Storage System: Timeless Scandinavian Elegance Revolutionising storage solutions, the WOUD Bricks Storage System melds the timeless charm of Scandinavian design with impeccable craftsmanship. Its modular design, characterized by...

    STEDGE 80 - Plaukts

    €485,00 €555,00

    WOUD Stedge 80 Shelf: The Epitome of Floating Elegance The WOUD Stedge 80 Shelf is a masterpiece of minimalism, where lightness and structural clarity converge. This shelf appears to defy...

    BRICKS - Sienas Kronšteins


    WOUD Bricks Storage System: Timeless Scandinavian Elegance Revolutionising storage solutions, the WOUD Bricks Storage System melds the timeless charm of Scandinavian design with impeccable craftsmanship. Its modular design, characterized by...

    BRICKS - Grīdas Pamatne


    WOUD Bricks Storage System: Timeless Scandinavian Elegance Revolutionising storage solutions, the WOUD Bricks Storage System melds the timeless charm of Scandinavian design with impeccable craftsmanship. Its modular design, characterized by...

    STEDGE 80 - Pieliekamais Plaukts

    €270,00 €315,00

    WOUD Stedge 80 Addon Shelf: The Epitome of Floating Elegance The WOUD Stedge 80 Addon Shelf is a masterpiece of minimalism, where lightness and structural clarity converge. This shelf appears...

    STEDGE 60 - Pieliekamais Plaukts

    €260,00 €305,00

    WOUD Stedge 60 Addon Shelf: The Epitome of Floating Elegance The WOUD Stedge 60 Addon Shelf is a masterpiece of minimalism, where lightness and structural clarity converge. This shelf appears...

    STEDGE 60 - Plaukts

    €485,00 €540,00

    WOUD Stedge 60 Shelf: The Epitome of Floating Elegance The WOUD Stedge 60 Shelf is a masterpiece of minimalism, where lightness and structural clarity converge. This shelf appears to defy...

    STORIES - Plaukts

    €730,00 €899,00

    Stories Shelving by Umage: Where Narratives Find a Home Stories by Umage offers more than just storage; it's a place where you can curate and showcase life's cherished memories. Designed...

    STORIES - Papildus Plaukts


    Umage Stories Extra Shelf: Personalize Your Narrative Expand and enrich your Stories shelving system with the Stories Extra Shelf. Designed to add functionality and flair, this accessory perfectly embodies the...

    STORIES - Sānu galds


    Umage Stories Round Corner Table: Elevate Your Shelving Experience Introducing the Stories Round Corner Table – a seamless addition to the Stories shelving system that brings both function and finesse....

    FLOW - Plaukts


    Umage Flow Shelf: A Mesmerizing Dance of Form and Function Unveiling the Flow Shelf by Umage, a masterpiece that ebbs and flows like waves, painting a poetic picture on your...

    VALET - Plaukts


    Northern's Valet Wall Console: Masterfully Minimalist Stepping into the intersection of timeless tradition and contemporary sensibility, Northern introduces the Valet Wall Console. Meticulously crafted under the visionary guidance of the...


    Mūsu kolekcijas plaukti ir dizaina daudzpusības un praktiskās lietderības iemiesojums. Katrs no tiem ir rūpīgi izvēlēts no vadošajiem dizaina namiem, un tas iemieso eleganci, kas papildina un uzlabo jūsu telpu. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūsu mērķis ir izveidot vizuāli valdzinošu ekspozīciju vai ieviest sakārtotu mieru, mūsu sortiments ir piemērots jūsu redzējumam. Iepazīstieties ar mūsu kolekciju un iedvesmojieties no formas un funkcijas apvienojuma, kas piemīt katram priekšmetam. Izbaudiet harmonisku lietderības un stila līdzsvaru ar mūsu rūpīgi atlasīto plauktu kolekciju.

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