Galdi & Rakstāmgaldi | Luminesy

Galdi & Rakstāmgaldi

Dizaineru galdi un rakstāmgaldi: Izsmalcināt jūsu ikdienas pieredzi

Galdu un rakstāmgaldu, kas ir jūsu darba telpas vai ēdamistabas centrālais elements, uzdevums ir ne tikai pildīt funkcionālu funkciju. Tie ir jūsu telpas sirds, kas apliecina un veido jūsu ikdienas aktivitātes. Mūsu ar rokām atlasītie Eiropas dizaineru galdi un rakstāmgaldi palīdz piešķirt šiem ikdienas mirkļiem greznuma pieskārienu. Mūsu daudzpusīgais klāsts, kas ietver gan mūsdienīgu minimālismu, gan pārlaicīgu eleganci, piedāvā izteiksmīgu priekšmetu, kas piemērots jebkuram interjera stilam.

Piemērotais galds vai rakstāmgalds var uzlabot jūsu dzīvesveidu - no maltīšu rīkošanas, kas rosina dzīvas sarunas, līdz mierīgai telpai, kur koncentrēti strādāt vai mācīties. Mūsu atlasītā kolekcija sniedzas tālāk par tradicionālo dizainu, piedāvājot pārdomāti konstruētus priekšmetus, kas nevainojami iederas jūsu interjerā, vienlaikus atspoguļojot jūsu individuālo gaumi. Tāpēc izkāpiet no ierastā un izbaudiet neparastu stila un lietderības apvienojumu ar mūsu ekskluzīvo kolekciju.


    TEMPLE LOW - Coffee Table


    Temple Coffee Table by 101 Copenhagen – A Fusion of Art and Architecture The Temple Coffee Table by 101 Copenhagen captures the beauty of natural stone in an architectural-inspired design....

    ARC - Kafijas Galdiņš

    €885,00 €1.485,00

    The Arc Coffee Table by Woud: A Mathematical Beauty in Design Delve into the harmonious fusion of aesthetics and functionality with the Arc Coffee Table by Woud. Drawing inspiration from...

    SOROUND - Kafijas Galdiņš

    €375,00 €625,00

    The Soround Coffee Table by Woud: Timeless Simplicity Amplified Elegance, functionality, and adaptability intertwine in the Soround Coffee Table by Woud. This modern reinterpretation of the quintessential coffee table seamlessly...

    BOW - Sānu Galds


    101 Copenhagen Bow Console: A Nod to Classic Architecture in Modern Living Behold the 101 Copenhagen Bow Console, where the grandeur of historic architecture meets the finesse of contemporary design....

    PHANTOM - Kafijas Galdiņš

    €375,00 €445,00

    The 101 Copenhagen Phantom Table: A Paragon of Delicate Craftsmanship and Raw Beauty In the realm of interior design, there are few pieces as captivating as the Phantom Table by...



    Experience the Elegance of the Week-End Bistro Square Dining Table from Petite Friture Born from a collaboration with the BrichetZiegler studio in 2017, the Week-End collection is a comprehensive range...

    ATLAS - Rectangular Table


    Atlas Table by Teulat – A Masterpiece of Balance and Design The Atlas Table by Teulat redefines functional design with its striking aesthetic that captures the essence of balance and...

    ATLAS - Round Table


    Atlas Table by Teulat – A Masterpiece of Balance and Design The Atlas Table by Teulat redefines functional design with its striking aesthetic that captures the essence of balance and...

    ATLAS - Ext. Rectangular Table


    Atlas Table by Teulat – A Masterpiece of Balance and Design The Atlas Table by Teulat redefines functional design with its striking aesthetic that captures the essence of balance and...

    ATLAS - Desk


    Atlas Table by Teulat – A Masterpiece of Balance and Design The Atlas Table by Teulat redefines functional design with its striking aesthetic that captures the essence of balance and...

    NORI - Side Table


    Nori Table by Teulat – A Bold Statement of Modern Design The Nori Table by Teulat is a masterpiece of avant-garde design, offering a bold departure from traditional archetypes. With...

    CEP - Side Table


    Cep Table by Teulat – Minimalist Elegance in Every Curve The Cep Table by Teulat embodies simplicity and sophistication, showcasing minimalist design with a focus on curved wood construction. This...

    CEP - High Side Table


    Cep Table by Teulat – Minimalist Elegance in Every Curve The Cep Table by Teulat embodies simplicity and sophistication, showcasing minimalist design with a focus on curved wood construction. This...

    DORIC 2DR - Coffee Table


    Doric Coffee Table by Teulat – Timeless Elegance with a Modern Touch The Doric Coffee Table by Teulat is a sophisticated fusion of classical inspiration and modern design. Its striking...

    NEST - Coffee Table Set


    Nest Coffee Table Set by Teulat – Versatility Meets Contemporary Design The Nest Coffee Table Set by Teulat is the epitome of adaptable design, offering a harmonious blend of functionality...

    NORI - Coffee Table


    Nori Table by Teulat – A Bold Statement of Modern Design The Nori Table by Teulat is a masterpiece of avant-garde design, offering a bold departure from traditional archetypes. With...

    CEP - Coffee Table


    Cep Table by Teulat – Minimalist Elegance in Every Curve The Cep Table by Teulat embodies simplicity and sophistication, showcasing minimalist design with a focus on curved wood construction. This...

    ATLAS - Coffee Table


    Atlas Table by Teulat – A Masterpiece of Balance and Design The Atlas Table by Teulat redefines functional design with its striking aesthetic that captures the essence of balance and...

    ARQ - Rectangular Table


    Arq Table by Teulat – A Masterpiece of Functional Architecture The Arq Table by Teulat redefines design by merging the precision of architectural principles with the functionality of a versatile...

    ARQ - Side Table


    Arq Table by Teulat – A Masterpiece of Functional Architecture The Arq Table by Teulat redefines design by merging the precision of architectural principles with the functionality of a versatile...

    ARQ - Square Table


    Arq Table by Teulat – A Masterpiece of Functional Architecture The Arq Table by Teulat redefines design by merging the precision of architectural principles with the functionality of a versatile...

    ARQ - Coffee Table


    Arq Table by Teulat – A Masterpiece of Functional Architecture The Arq Table by Teulat redefines design by merging the precision of architectural principles with the functionality of a versatile...

    MAMMUT 30 - Table Lamp


    Mammut Table Lamp by Globen – Playful Design with Bold Elegance The Mammut Table Lamp by Globen brings a sense of artistry and charm to any space, combining an exclusive...

    TEMPLE TALL - Coffee Table


    Temple Coffee Table by 101 Copenhagen – A Fusion of Art and Architecture The Temple Coffee Table by 101 Copenhagen captures the beauty of natural stone in an architectural-inspired design....

    RAW - Kafijas galdiņš


    Elevate Your Living Space with Hubsch's Raw Coffee Table Introducing the Hubsch Raw Coffee Table – a striking blend of natural elegance and contemporary design. This wooden coffee table, with...

    RAW - Sānu galdiņš


    Discover Timeless Elegance with Hubsch's Raw Side Table Introducing the Hubsch Raw Side Table – a perfect blend of natural beauty and modern design. This compact side table, crafted from...

    DUO - Sānu galdiņu komplekts


    Enhance Your Space with Hubsch's Duo Side Table Set Introducing the Hubsch Duo Side Table Set – a perfect blend of modern elegance and practical design. This set of two...

    ZIGGY 7 - Kafijas Galdiņš

    €3.040,00 €4.545,00

    Discover the Elegance of the Ziggy Coffee Table by Porada The Ziggy Coffee Table, part of the renowned Ziggy collection by Porada, is more than just a piece of furniture—it's...

    ZIGGY 6 - Kafijas Galdiņš

    €3.245,00 €5.015,00

    Discover the Elegance of the Ziggy Coffee Table by Porada The Ziggy Coffee Table, part of the renowned Ziggy collection by Porada, is more than just a piece of furniture—it's...

    ZIGGY 5 - Sānu galdiņš

    €1.415,00 €1.650,00

    Discover the Elegance of the Ziggy Coffee Table by Porada The Ziggy Coffee Table, part of the renowned Ziggy collection by Porada, is more than just a piece of furniture—it's...

    ZIGGY 2 - Sānu galdiņš

    €1.405,00 €1.565,00

    Discover the Elegance of the Ziggy Coffee Table by Porada The Ziggy Coffee Table, part of the renowned Ziggy collection by Porada, is more than just a piece of furniture—it's...

    ZIGGY 1 - Kafijas Galdiņš

    €1.340,00 €1.545,00

    Discover the Elegance of the Ziggy Coffee Table by Porada The Ziggy Coffee Table, part of the renowned Ziggy collection by Porada, is more than just a piece of furniture—it's...

    ZIGGY - Ēdamgalds


    Experience the Refinement of the Ziggy Dining Table by Porada The Ziggy Dining Table from Porada stands as a paragon of sophisticated design, blending natural elements with contemporary aesthetics. Crafted...

    TYLSA NIGHT 54 - Naktsgaldiņš

    €3.960,00 €4.065,00

    Elegance in Every Curve: The Tylsa Night Table by Porada The Tylsa Night Table by Porada exemplifies the perfect blend of elegance and functionality, bringing a touch of sophistication to...

    TORTUGA H41 - Kafijas Galdiņš


    Unveiling the Elegance of Nature with Porada's Tortuga Coffee Table Discover the Tortuga Coffee Table from Porada, where nature's timeless beauty meets contemporary design. This table, inspired by the majestic...

    TORTUGA H35 - Kafijas Galdiņš


    Unveiling the Elegance of Nature with Porada's Tortuga Coffee Table Discover the Tortuga Coffee Table from Porada, where nature's timeless beauty meets contemporary design. This table, inspired by the majestic...

    SPIN 80 - Ēdamgalds

    €2.305,00 €2.665,00

    Discover Elegance in Motion with the Spin Dining Table by Porada Introducing the Spin Dining Table from Porada, where artistry and function blend to create a centerpiece worthy of any...

    SPIN 120 - Ēdamgalds

    €2.710,00 €3.065,00

    Discover Elegance in Motion with the Spin Dining Table by Porada Introducing the Spin Dining Table from Porada, where artistry and function blend to create a centerpiece worthy of any...

    THAYL - Ēdamgalds


    Discover Elegance with the Thayl Dining Table from Porada Introducing the Thayl Dining Table, a majestic expression of craftsmanship and design brought to you by Porada. This table, with its...

    SPIN 100 - Ēdamgalds

    €2.435,00 €2.790,00

    Discover Elegance in Motion with the Spin Dining Table by Porada Introducing the Spin Dining Table from Porada, where artistry and function blend to create a centerpiece worthy of any...

    Galdi & Rakstāmgaldi

    Galdi un rakstāmgaldi ir nenoliedzami pievilcīgi, jo tie spēj pārveidot telpu un noteikt tās funkcionalitāti. Tāpēc mūsu kolekcijā ir uzsvars uz izcilu meistarību un novatorisku dizainu, piedāvājot jums plašu stila iespēju paleti. Katrs mūsu kolekcijas gabals ir meistardarbs, ko radījuši Eiropas izcilākie dizaineri, iemiesojot perfektu līdzsvaru starp formu un funkciju. Izpētiet mūsu kolekciju un atrodiet ideālo priekšmetu, kas ne tikai atbilst jūsu vajadzībām, bet arī uzlabos jūsu telpu. Iegremdējiet sevi izsmalcināta dizaina pasaulē un ļaujiet mūsu galdiem un rakstāmgaldiem iedvesmot jaunu skatījumu uz jūsu interjera iekārtojumu.

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