Taburetes | Luminesy


Atklājiet funkciju un izsmalcinātību ar mūsu daudzveidīgo taburešu klāstu

Taburetes ir daudzpusīguma un dizaina krustpunkts, un tās bez piepūles pielāgojas dažādām funkcijām jūsu mājās vai birojā. Mūsu plašā taburešu izvēle piedāvā neskaitāmus stilus, sākot no stingrām modernām līnijām līdz klasiskiem, izsmalcinātiem izliekumiem, kas piemēroti jebkurai interjera paleti.

Taburetes nav tikai papildu sēdvieta - tās var radīt negaidītu dizaina elementu, kalpot kā ērts augu statīvs vai sānu galdiņš vai palīdzēt inovatīvi izmantot telpu. Speriet soli pretim daudzfunkcionalitātei un ļaujiet mūsu atšķirīgajai taburešu kolekcijai uzlabot jūsu telpu, apvienojot ērtības un stilu.


    FROMME - Taburete


    Introducing the Versatile Fromme Stool by Petite Friture: An Epitome of Sustainable Design and Comfort Unveiling the Fromme Stool, a fresh addition to the innovative Fromme collection from Petite Friture,...

    THE SOCIALITE - Letes Krēsls


    Umage Socialite Counter Stool: Elegance in Every Detail Introducing the Socialite Counter Stool by Umage – an epitome of precision, craftsmanship, and stylish functionality. Crafted from solid oak, this stool...

    BIG FOOT - Taburete

    €345,00 €695,00

    101 Copenhagen Big Foot Stool: Sculptural Elegance Meets Cozy Comfort Introducing the 101 Copenhagen Big Foot Stool: an embodiment of playful sophistication that effortlessly enhances any interior space. With its...

    BRUTUS - Taburete


    The 101 Copenhagen Brutus Stool: A Brutalist Touch with Japanese Inspiration Introducing the Brutus Stool by 101 Copenhagen – a stellar fusion of Brutalist architectural aesthetics and the simplicity of...

    SPLIT TRIPLE - Taburete


    Add a Touch of Elegance with Hubsch's Split Stool *Minimum order 2 pcs. Introducing the Hubsch Split Stool – a perfect blend of minimalist design and natural beauty. This wooden...

    TREBLE - Bāra Taburete

    €325,00 €490,00

    Northern's Treble Bar Stool: A Symphony in Seating Design Stepping into the realm of cutting-edge design, Northern unveils the Treble Bar Stool, an exquisite blend of form and function. With...

    STEP IT UP - Soliņš


    Umage Step It Up Step Stool: Step Towards Convenience and Sustainability Meet the Step It Up Stool by Umage, where functionality marries environmental consciousness. Designed to give you that extra...

    ESTER - Grozāmais Sols


    Enhance Your Space with the Ester Swiveling Stool from Porada Introducing the Ester Swiveling Stool, a testament to Porada's commitment to superior craftsmanship and innovative design. This elegant stool combines...



    Elevate Your Space with the Webby Sgabello Stool from Porada Introducing the Webby Sgabello Stool, a masterpiece of design and craftsmanship from the renowned Italian furniture maker, Porada. This stool...

    WEBBY 2 - Sols


    Discover Elegance in Utility with the Webby Stool from Porada Introducing the Webby Stool by Porada—a masterpiece of design that perfectly marries functionality with luxurious aesthetics. This stool is part...

    TORII - Sols


    Exquisite Craftsmanship Meets Functional Art in Porada's Torii Stool Introducing the Torii Stool from Porada, a masterpiece of design where form meets function in the most aesthetically pleasing manner. This...

    SVEVA - Sols


    Refined Elegance Meets Functional Design with the Sveva Stool by Porada Introducing the Sveva Stool, an embodiment of Porada's commitment to excellence, merging sleek design with uncompromising comfort. This stool...

    MONO - Letes Taburete


    The Mono Counter Chair by Woud: A Masterclass in Innovative Simplicity In the world of furniture design, the Mono Counter Chair by Woud stands apart, a testament to the brilliance...

    SLALOM - Pakāpiena Soliņš


    The Slalom Step Stool by Woud: A Dance of Function and Elegance Introducing the Slalom Step Stool by Woud, where inspiration meets utility. Capturing the rhythm and elegance of a...

    MONO - Bāra Taburete


    The Mono Bar Stool by Woud: A Sculptural Ode to Innovation Stepping into the world of Woud's Mono Bar Stool is like embracing a new dimension of design. This piece,...

    TIME FLIES - Letes Krēsls

    €499,00 €569,00

    Umage Time Flies Counter Stool: A Blend of Artistry and Comfort Introducing the Time Flies Counter Stool by Umage – a quintessential piece for those who value the union of...

    SCULPT - Taburete


    The 101 Copenhagen Sculpt Stool: Brutalist Artistry Melded with Modern Comfort The Sculpt Stool from 101 Copenhagen is a masterful ode to Brutalist architecture, a movement that, in the 1950s,...

    TRIBU - Taburete


    The 101 Copenhagen Tribu Stool: Where Tribal Inspiration Meets Contemporary Comfort Introducing the Tribu Stool, a distinguished member of the 101 Copenhagen's TRIBU Collection. Drawing its essence from age-old tribal...

    PAL - Taburete

    €440,00 €480,00

    Northern's Pal Stool: A Fusion of Art and Functionality Northern, a renowned brand synonymous with impeccable design and craftsmanship, presents the Pal Stool—an embodiment of Scandinavian ethos and artistry.Crafted meticulously...

    DAIS - Taburete


    Northern's Dais Stool: Elevate Your Space and Functionality In the innovative world of modern-day design, one often finds solutions that gracefully intertwine practicality with aesthetics. The Dais Stool by Northern...

    HOFF SMALL - Taburete


    The Hoff Stool by Petite Friture: A Symphony of Visual Elegance and Textural Charm Immerse yourself in the world of design with the Hoff Stool, a distinctive and artistic creation...

    HOFF LARGE - Taburete


    The Hoff Stool by Petite Friture: A Symphony of Visual Elegance and Textural Charm Immerse yourself in the world of design with the Hoff Stool, a distinctive and artistic creation...

    WEEK-END - Taburete


    Experience the Elegance of the Week-End Stool from Petite Friture Born from a collaboration with the BrichetZiegler studio in 2017, the Week-End collection is a comprehensive range of garden furniture,...


    Mūsu taburešu kolekcija ir apliecinājums dizaina daudzpusībai un pārdomātai funkcionalitātei. Katrs no ievērojamu dizaina studiju izvēlētajiem darbiem piedāvā risinājumu, kas apvieno ērtības un stilu. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūsu mērķis ir pievienot elastīgu sēdvietu, ieviest neparastu dizaina akcentu vai optimizēt telpu, mūsu klāsts ir izstrādāts, lai piepildītu jūsu vēlmes. Iepazīstiet mūsu sortimentu un izbaudiet, kā mūsu izkārnījumi var piešķirt jūsu interjeram radošuma un praktiskuma devu. Pārveidojiet savu telpu ar mūsu izkārnījumu daudzveidīgo šarmu.

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