Umage EOS kolekcija | Pirkt dizaina apgaismojumu | Luminesy

Umage EOS kolekcija

Umage EOS - unikālas spalvu mākoņu gaismas

Umage Eos kolekcija savu spēku un valdzinošo skaistumu smeļas no ziemeļu ainavas zemes toņiem. Izgatavoti no dabīgām zosu spalvām, šie unikālie abažūri sniedz maigu, siltu gaismu un piešķir izsmalcinātu un elegantu pieskārienu jebkuram interjeram.

Iepazīstieties ar visu Umage produktu klāstu šeit.

EOS MEDIUM - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage Eos Medium Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Medium Pendant Light draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS MINI - Galda Lampa

€198,00 €218,00

Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS UP L - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


Umage EOS UP L Ceiling / Wall Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS UP L Ceiling / Wall Light is an elegant and slim cloud hanging...

EOS MINI - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage EOS MINI Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Pendant Light draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS LARGE - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage Eos Large Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Large Pendant Light draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS MINI 3 - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage EOS MINI 3 Light Cluster - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI 3 Light Cluster draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of...

EOS MINI 2 - Piekaramā Lampa

€237,00 €267,00

Umage EOS MINI 2 Light Cluster - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI 2 Light Cluster draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of...

EOS MINI - Sienas Lampa

€188,00 €307,00

Umage EOS MINI DOUBLE Wall Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI DOUBLE Wall Light draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of...

EOS UP M - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


Umage EOS UP M Ceiling / Wall Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS UP M Ceiling / Wall Light is an elegant and slim cloud hanging...

EOS MICRO - Grīdas Lampa


Umage Eos Micro Floor Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Micro Floor Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS MINI - Sienas Lampa


Umage EOS MINI Wall Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Wall Light draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS MINI - Grīdas Lampa


The Umage EOS MINI Floor Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Floor Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the...

EOS MINI - Grīdas Lampa


Umage EOS MINI Floor Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Floor Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS MEDIUM - Galda Lampa

€208,00 €258,00

Umage EOS MEDIUM Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MEDIUM Table Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS MINI - Galda Lampa


Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS MEDIUM - Galda Lampa


The Umage Eos Medium Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Medium Table Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the...

EOS MINI - Galda Lampa

€148,00 €158,00

Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS MICRO - Galda Lampa


Umage Eos Micro Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Micro Table Lampdraws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic landscape....

EOS MICRO - Galda Lampa


Umage Eos Micro Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Micro Table Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS XXL - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage EOS XXL Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS XXL Pendant Light draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS XL - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage EOS XL Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS XL Pendant Light draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS MICRO - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage Eos Micro Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Micro Pendant Light draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS EVIA L - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage Eos Evia L Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light Greek mythology, the goddess of the dawn, referencing how the lampshade looks like clouds in the sky. Evia...

EOS EVIA M - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage Eos Evia L Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light Greek mythology, the goddess of the dawn, referencing how the lampshade looks like clouds in the sky. The...

EOS ESTHER M - Piekaramā Lampa

€275,00 €308,00

Umage Eos Esther M Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Esther M Pendant Light is one of the more unique lighting designs, the lamp-shades are...

EOS MEDIUM - Grīdas Lampa

€218,00 €308,00

Umage Eos Medium Floor Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Medium Floor Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

EOS ESTHER L - Piekaramā Lampa


Umage Eos Esther L Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light Greek mythology, the goddess of the dawn, referencing how the lampshade looks like clouds in the sky. The...

EOS MEDIUM - Grīdas Lampa


Umage Eos Medium Pendant Light - A unique feather cloud light The Umage Eos Medium Pendant Light draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

Umage EOS kolekcija

Umage EOS kolekcija ir viens no unikālākajiem apgaismojuma modeļiem, jo lampu abažūri ir izgatavoti no spalvām līdzīga materiāla, kas padara konstrukciju un pašu lampas abažūru par vienu veselumu, izkliedējot gaismu vairāk tur, kur materiāls ir plānāks, un mazāk tur, kur tā ir vairāk, piešķirot Umage EOS dizainam lielu dziļumu un netradicionālu siluetu. Ar daudzām montāžas iespējām, krāsām un formām EOS ir neticami daudzpusīgs klāsts, kurā ikviens atradīs sev piemērotu risinājumu.

Dānijā bāzētais zīmols Umage (agrāk pazīstams kā Vita Copenhagen) tika dibināts 2008. gadā ar misiju padarīt ekskluzīvu dāņu lampu dizainu pieejamu visā pasaulē, vienlaikus ražojot un izgatavojot savus izstrādājumus ar patiesu rūpību par vidi. Nosaukums "Umage" dāņu valodā nozīmē "pielikt pūles", ko zīmols cenšas panākt katru dienu. Umage ir vieta, kur skaists dāņu dizains satiekas ar pieejamu cenu, augstas kvalitātes materiāliem un patiesu rūpību par vidi. Šodien uzņēmuma produkti ir pieejami vairāk nekā 1500 veikalos vairāk nekā 50 pasaules valstīs.

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