Pārsedzošas stāvlampas | Luminesy

Pārsedzošas stāvlampas

Gaismas līknes: Atklājiet mūsu loka stāvlampu kolekcijas burvību.

Iegremdējieties pārsedzošo stāvlampu pasaulē, kur dizains un gaisma satiekas krāšņā dejā. Šīs lampas, kas simbolizē loku eleganci, izgaismos jūsu telpu ar majestātisku valdzinājumu, un to izliekumi aicinās jūsu acis sekot līdzi.

Neatkarīgi no tā, vai šīs lampas izstaro koncentrētu gaismu lasīšanas stūrī vai piešķir mājīgu pieskārienu saviesīgai videi, tās apvieno piekaramā apgaismojuma atmosfēru ar stāvlampas elastīgumu. Mūsu kolekcijā ir dažādi dizaini - no moderniem, racionāliem līdz klasiski grezniem, un katrs no tiem piešķir jūsu telpai unikālu arhitektonisku šarmu. Iegremdējiet mūsu kolekciju un ļaujiet šīm izliektajām stāvlampām radīt gaismas stāstu jūsu mājās.

    GARY SMALL - Stāvlampa


    Illuminate Your Space with the Elegance of the Gary Floor Lamp by Porada The Gary Floor Lamp from Porada epitomizes elegance in lighting. Designed to blend seamlessly into modern living...

    GARY BIG - Stāvlampa


    Illuminate Your Space with the Elegance of the Gary Floor Lamp by Porada The Gary Floor Lamp from Porada epitomizes elegance in lighting. Designed to blend seamlessly into modern living...

    ETTORINO BIG - Stāvlampa

    €5.605,00 €5.960,00

    Ettorino Big Floor Lamp by Catellani & Smith – Artful Precision in Light The Ettorino Floor Lamp by Catellani & Smith is an elegant statement of both form and function,...

    VERTIGO NOVA - Grīdas Lampa


    Petite Friture Vertigo Nova - an update to a lighting icon Petite Friture and Constance Guisset, an inseparable duo with lofty ambitions, have started a new chapter of the Vertigo...

    BOWEE - Grīdas Lampa


    The Bowee Floor Lamp from B.lux brings a clean look to your space that is both bold in color and style. The adjustable half sphere features an acrylic diffuser to...

    CIRC - Sienas Lampa

    €751,00 €803,00

    Industrial, but cozy - the CUPOLINA P-3939 - Floor Lamp by Estiluz Estiluz's Cupolina is a warm and uniform light that can fill any space with harmonious vibes and character....

    AUSTERE - Grīdas Lampa

    €920,00 €1.085,00

    Trizo21 Austere Floor lamp - One line, no frills ‘Austere’ can mean sleek, linear and/or stripped of excess, as well slender and tranquil just like an ethereal silhouette. It can’t...

    BRIGHTON - Grīdas Lampa


    The It’s About Romi Brighton Floor Lamp is a sleek and minimal floor light that features in the brand’s City lights collection, a collection inspired by urban lighting designs and...

    STINGRAY - Stāvlampa


    101 Copenhagen Stingray Floor Lamp - All about the contrast between soft shapes and sharp lines The almost floating lampshade is the centrepiece of the 101 Copenhagen Stingray Floor Lamp,...

    SALTO - Stāvlampa


    Northern Salto - A fun and practical floor lamp Oslo based design firm Gridy took inspiration from their teenage love of skating and snowboarding for their latest lamp - The...

    ARIGATO PALACE - Stāvlampa


    Grupa Arigato Palace Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...

    ARIGATO - Stāvlampa


    Grupa Arigato Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...

    ZOSIA - Stāvlampa

    €1.985,00 €2.482,00

    Schwung home Zosia Floor lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Zosia by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding floor light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    PALAWAN L - Stāvlampa


    A bohemian, ethnic feel for this beautiful floor lamp. The Palawan L Floor lamp from Good & Mojo presents an inspired mix: minimalist, contemporary forms contrast with traditional materials and...

    BALI L - Grīdas Lampa


    A bohemian, ethnic feel for this beautiful floor lamp. The Bali L Floor lamp from Good & Mojo presents an inspired mix: minimalist, contemporary forms contrast with traditional materials and...

    JACKIE - Grīdas Lampa

    €675,00 €815,00

    Panzeri Jackie Floor Light - A simply modern light The modern floor lamp belongs to the famous Jackie series by Panzeri and is suitable as a reading light in the...

    THE MOON - Grīdas Lampa


    The Moon is a minimalistic floor lamp inspired by minimal arts and industrial sculptures. The lamp is a carefully constructed geometry, where each component is perfectly weighed in relation to...

    GEAR - Grīdas Stāvlampa


    GEAR by Northern - A lamp made for the fast lane the Northern Gear Floor Lamp is designed with rotating gears and revving with style, these high-performance lamps were made...

    BIRDY - Grīdas Lampa


    Birdy is a table, wall and floor lamp series designed in 1952, in a modernist style. The lamp series was produced and sold by the Norwegian electricity company Sønnico (Oslo)...

    BALANCER - Grīdas lampa


    Balancer is a showstopper in both function and form. Expertly crafted in black, powder-coated steel, this floor lamp offers a stunning combination of light, geometry and style. Formed by clean,...

    ARIGATO DOUBLE - Stāvlampa


    Grupa Arigato Double Floor Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...

    BOB - Stāvlampa


    Define Your Space with the Bob Floor Lamp from Zero Lighting Introducing the Bob Floor Lamp from Zero Interior, a beacon of modern design that effortlessly infuses your space with...

    CARPA - Stāvlampa


    Modern Geometry: The Forestier Carpa Floor Lamp Discover the sleek and sophisticated Forestier Carpa Floor Lamp, a design by German designer Jette Scheib. This elegant lamp stands out with its...

    COSINESS - Stāvlampa


    Cosiness Floor Lamp by Market Set – A Timeless Tribute to Seventies Comfort The Cosiness Floor Lamp by Market Set brings a nostalgic warmth to any room, capturing the essence...

    LIGHTO P - Stāvlampa


    Parachilna's Lighto from noted designer-artist Jaime Hayon is a luxuriously appointed floor model from his characteristically slender lamp family. The Lighto by Parachilna is composed of a solid metal and...

    LIGHTOREAD P - Stāvlampa

    €2.278,00 €2.050,00

    Parachilna's Lightoread from noted designer-artist Jaime Hayon is a luxuriously appointed floor model from his characteristically slender lamp family. The Lightoread by Parachilna is composed of a solid marble base...

    PAPILLON - Grīdas Lampa


    Add a Touch of Playfulness to your interior with the Papillon Floor Lamp from Forestier All the lightness of the butterfly is obtained by the overlapping of 3 carcasses. The...

    Pārsedzošas stāvlampas

    Mūsu kolekcija aptver plašu stilu klāstu - no minimālisma modernā dizaina ar gludu metālisku apdari līdz mūžīgai klasikai ar siltiem koka elementiem. Pārsteidzoši graciozs izliekums apvienojumā ar perfekti pieskaņotu abažūru - vai tas būtu kvēlojošs globuss izkliedētai gaismai, vai prožektors uz uzdevumu orientētam apgaismojumam - padara katru lampu par centrālo punktu.

    Pārsedzošās grīdas lampas ļauj izmantot gaismu kopā ar dizainu, radot perfektu mirdzumu un vienlaikus izceļot jūsu telpas unikālo estētiku. Kāpēc izvēlēties tipisku, necaurspīdīgu gaismas avotu, ja ar arkveida stāvlampu var radīt dramatisku apgaismojumu, vienlaikus pievienojot arhitektonisku akcentu? Izpētiet mūsu arkveida stāvlampu kolekciju un no jauna definējiet savu apgaismojuma pieredzi, pārvēršot ikdienas telpas par neparastām.

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