Āra sienas lampas | Luminesy

Āra sienas lampas

Āra mirdzums: Izpētiet mūsu āra sienas apgaismojuma kolekciju

Āra sienas lampas ir efektīvs veids, kā uzlabot jūsu mājas eksterjeru. Tie nodrošina ne tikai apgaismojumu, bet arī uzlabo drošību, izceļ arhitektūras elementus un rada noskaņu āra pasākumiem.

Mūsu kolekcijā ir gaismekļi visām āra vajadzībām. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties izgaismot ieeju, nodrošināt drošības apgaismojumu vai radīt mājīgu terases vidi, mūsu āra sienas lampas ir piemērotas šim uzdevumam. Tie ir izstrādāti tā, lai izturētu laikapstākļus, un nodrošina uzticamu gaismas avotu jebkuros laikapstākļos.

    CIRC - Sienas Lampa

    €386,00 €438,00

    The CIRC A-3722 Wall Light by Estiluz, uniqueness in simplicity. Sconce globes can be encircled with a slender metal ring or balanced on a metal bar. Indoor uses include hallways...

    VERSO FLAT RD - Outdoor Wall Light


    Ghidini Verso Flat – A Sleek Outdoor Wall Light for Modern Illumination A slim and refined outdoor wall light, Verso Flat by Ghidini is designed to deliver soft, diffused illumination...

    COMPATTO - Outdoor Wall Light


    Ghidini Compatto – A Minimalist Outdoor Wall Light for Seamless Illumination A compact outdoor wall light, Compatto by Ghidini is designed to offer refined illumination with a sleek and understated...

    BIVO - Outdoor Wall Light


    Ghidini Bivo – A Dual-Emission Outdoor Wall Light for Elegant Illumination A sleek and modern outdoor wall light, Bivo by Ghidini is designed to provide both upward and downward illumination,...

    DISCO - Outdoor Wall Light


    Ghidini Disco – A Modern Outdoor Wall Light for Elegant and Functional Illumination A sleek and contemporary outdoor wall light, Disco by Ghidini is designed to provide refined illumination while...

    PRAGMA - Outdoor Wall Light


    Ghidini Pragma – A Refined Outdoor Wall Light for Subtle Illumination A sleek and architectural outdoor wall light, Pragma by Ghidini is designed to enhance facades, entrances, and terraces with...

    ARCO 4000X2 - Wall Light Composition


    Estiluz Arco 4000X2 – A Rotating Wall Light with a Striking Dual Composition The Arco 4000X2 wall light from Estiluz is a dynamic lighting fixture that offers both direct and...

    ARCO 4000X - Wall Light


    Estiluz Arco 4000X – A Rotatable Wall Light with Sculptural Elegance The Arco 4000X wall light from Estiluz is a masterful blend of functionality and modern aesthetics. Designed with an...

    FLYER W5 - Outdoor Wall Light


    Flyer Outdoor Wall Light by Prandina – A Versatile and Elegant Lighting Solution for Outdoor Spaces The Flyer Outdoor Wall Light by Prandina brings the perfect blend of functionality and...

    FLYER W3 - Outdoor Wall Light


    Flyer Outdoor Wall Light by Prandina – A Versatile and Elegant Lighting Solution for Outdoor Spaces The Flyer Outdoor Wall Light by Prandina brings the perfect blend of functionality and...

    MEDOUSE - Sienas Lampa


    Medousê Wall Light by Catellani & Smith – A Symphony of Light and Glass The Medousê Wall Light by Catellani & Smith is a masterful combination of artistry and function,...

    PXL - Sienas Lampa

    €1.055,00 €1.310,00

    Illuminate Your Space in Vibrant Hues with Zero Lighting's PXL Wall Light Unveiling the PXL Wall Light, a vibrant luminary masterpiece from Zero Lighting, that stands as an ode to...

    PATHFINDER - Sienas Lampa

    €960,00 €1.125,00

    Discover the Charm of Functional Aesthetics with Zero Lighting's Pathfinder Wall Light Presenting the Pathfinder Wall Light, an artful blend of design and functionality by Zero Lighting. This sculptural lighting...

    CONVEX - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Space with the Energy-Efficient Convex Spotlight from Zero Lighting Presenting the Convex Wall Light from Zero Interior, a charming member of the beloved Convex family. This lighting fixture...

    IGRAM - Sienas Lampa


    Grupa Igram Wall Lamp -An interplay of ambiance and function Igram, meaning “playing” in Croatian, is the word that best describes the process of creating this unique collection. Silent by...

    CIRC - Sienas Lampa

    €329,00 €376,00

    The CIRC A-3720 - Wall Light by Estiluz, utilizing simple shapes in a new light The sconce’s metal bar also supports and illuminates signage. A beautifully functional solution for hotels...

    LUNE - Sienas Lampa

    €433,00 €506,00

    Transform Your Space with the Lune Wall Light from Estiluz Add a touch of sophistication and style to your indoor or outdoor space with the Lune Wall Light from Estiluz....

    MOO - Sienas Lampa


    Moo is a full scale wall–mounted Norwegian moose head light. Moo may be used for both indoor and outdoor decoration. The figuratively shaped lamp body is made of poly–resin material,...

    LATINA A670 - Sienas Lampa


    Discover Rustic Warmth with the Ferroluce Latina A670 Wall Light Rediscover rustic warmth with the Ferroluce Latina A670 Wall Light This charming outdoor wall sconce features a harmonious combination of...

    MIIRA OUTDOOR - Sienas Lampa


    Nuura Miira Outdoor Wall Light - Nordic Opal Glass The Miira Outdoor wall light from the Danish lighting brand Nuura is made of materials of the highest quality and crafted...

    LIILA OUTDOOR - Sienas Lampa


    Nuura's Liila Wall Outdoor Light is a singular luminaire, which looks beautiful on the wall or ceiling. It is simple in its form, consisting of a thin round sheet of...

    LIILA 1 OUTDOOR - Sienas / Griestu Lampa


    Nuura's Liila 1 Outdoor is a singular luminaire, which looks beautiful on the wall or ceiling. It is simple in its form, consisting of a thin round sheet of metal...

    TAURUS - Sienas Lampa

    €265,00 €310,00

    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Taurus Wall Light from Belid Elevate your outdoor spaces with the Taurus Wall Light from Belid, a contemporary and durable metal lighting solution designed to...

    SINNE OUTDOOR - Sienas Lampa

    €315,00 €330,00

    Illuminate Your Space with the Elegant Sinne Outdoor Wall Light from Belid Introducing the Sinne Wall Light from Belid, a sophisticated and versatile metal lamp designed to enhance any outdoor...

    SINNE - Sienas Lampa

    €220,00 €330,00

    Illuminate Your Space with the Elegant Sinne Wall Light from Belid Introducing the Sinne Wall Light from Belid, a sophisticated and versatile metal lamp designed to enhance any interior setting....

    MOON - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Classic Moon Wall Lamp from Belid The Moon Wall Lamp from Belid brings a touch of vintage elegance to your outdoor space. Designed by Roger...

    MIST - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Mist Outdoor Wall Light from Belid Enhance your outdoor space with the simple yet captivating design of the Mist Wall Light from Belid. Created by...

    MIRA - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Exterior with the Mira Wall Lamp from Belid Add a touch of modern sophistication to your outdoor space with the Mira Wall Lamp from Belid. Designed for outdoor...

    MAX - Sienas Lampa


    Elevate Your Outdoor Space with the Max Wall Lamp from Belid The Max Wall Lamp from Belid is a stylish and versatile outdoor lighting solution that adds a touch of...

    CIRC - Grīdas Lampa


    Estiluz Frame Outdoor Wall Light - Outdoor lighting reinvented Illuminate your outdoor space with the sleek and stylish Frame Outdoor Wall Light from Estiluz. Designed to provide soft, ambient lighting,...

    DOLIO W90 - Sienas Lampa


    Introducing the Dolio W90, the latest innovation from ANTIDARK's outdoor lighting collection. The Dolio W90 is a sleek and stylish wall light designed to transform any outdoor space into a...

    ARCA STEP - Sienas Lampa


    Introducing the Arca Step, the newest addition to ANTIDARK's lineup of outdoor lighting solutions. Designed to elevate any outdoor space, this wall light is a perfect blend of style and...

    CODOL - Sienas / Griestu Lampa

    €330,00 €318,00

    Discover the Unique and Stylish CODOL Wall/Ceiling Light from Carpyen Introducing the CODOL Wall/Ceiling Light from Carpyen, a stunning and unique addition to your space. Inspired by indoor rock climbing...

    Āra sienas lampas

    Stilu klāsts ir plašs - no moderniem ķermeņiem ar tīrām līnijām un ģeometriskām formām, kas lieliski piemēroti mūsdienīgam mājoklim, līdz tradicionālākām laternu tipa lampām, kas izstaro klasisku šarmu. Šie ķermeņi ne tikai izgaismo jūsu āra telpu, bet arī uzlabo jūsu mājas pievilcību.

    Apskatiet mūsu āra sienas gaismekļu kolekciju un atrodiet ideālo apgaismojumu, kas izgaismos jūsu āra telpas. Ļaujiet mūsu kolekcijai uzlabot jūsu eksterjera stilu, vienlaikus nodrošinot praktisku un uzticamu apgaismojumu.

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