All Lighting products Page 45 | Luminesy


Izgaismojiet savu mājokli ar lampām un spuldzēm, kuras piedāvājam Luminesy. Jūms pieejams plašs apgaismojuma klāsts, to skaitā, griestu lampas, stāvlampas, galda lampas, galda lampas, naktsgaldiņa lampas un sienas lampas no vairākām pasaulē atzītām dizaina studijām.


    BAMBOO SQUARE S - Piekaramā Lampa


    Forestier Bamboo Square S Pendant Light - A natural contemporary lamp The Forestier Bamboo Square S Pendant Light is a lamp from the Bamboo collection designed by Arik Levy and...

    BAMBOO UP & DOWN - Sienas Lampa

    €590,00 €650,00

    Forestier Bamboo UP & DOWN Wall Light - A natural contemporary lamp Meet nature with Bamboo from the Forestier publishing house, by Arik Levy. Bamboo is a poetic collection between...

    BAMBOO UP - Sienas Lampa

    €565,00 €622,00

    Forestier Bamboo UP Wall Light - A natural contemporary lamp Meet nature with Bamboo from the Forestier publishing house, by Arik Levy. Bamboo is a poetic collection between nature and...

    CAPSULE S - Piekaramā Lampa


    Transform Your Space with the Unique Capsule S Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Capsule » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    CAPSULE M - Piekaramā Lampa


    Transform Your Space with the Unique Capsule M Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Capsule » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    CHANPEN DIAMOND L - Grīdas Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Diamond L Floor Lamp from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This floor lamp made from banana...

    CHANPEN DIAMOND L - Grīdas Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Diamond L Floor Lamp from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This floor lamp made from banana...

    CHANPEN HEXAGONAL L - Grīdas Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Hexagon L Floor Lamp from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This floor lamp made from banana...

    CHANPEN HEXAGON M - Grīdas Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Hexagon M Floor Lamp from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This floor lamp made from banana...

    CHANPEN HEXAGON M - Grīdas Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Hexagon M Floor Lamp from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This floor lamp made from banana...

    CHANPEN DIAMOND M - Grīdas Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Diamond M Floor Lamp from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This floor lamp made from banana...

    CHANPEN DIAMOND M - Grīdas Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Diamond M Floor Lamp from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This floor lamp made from banana...

    CHANPEN CEILING 2 - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Ceiling 2 Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by french lighting house Forestier. Chanpen means...

    CHANPEN CEILING 2 - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Ceiling 2 Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by french lighting house Forestier. Chanpen means...

    CHANPEN CEILING 6 - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Ceiling 6 Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by french lighting house Forestier. Chanpen means...

    CHANPEN CEILING 6 - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Ceiling 6 Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by french lighting house Forestier. Chanpen means...

    CHANPEN HEX L - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Hex L Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    CHANPEN HEX M - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Hex M Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    CHANPEN HEX S - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Hex S Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    CHANPEN HEX XS - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Hex XS Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    CHANPEN DIAMOND XS - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Diamond XS Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    CHANPEN DIAMOND S - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Diamond S Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    CHANPEN DIAMOND M - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Diamond M Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    CHANPEN DIAMOND L - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Alluring Beauty of Chanpen Diamond L Pendant Light from Forestier The designer Anon Pairot presents his collection « Chanpen » edited by Forestier.This suspension made from banana leaf...

    OYSTER - Grīdas Lampa

    €349,00 €440,00

    Enchant Your Space with the Elegant Oyster Floor Lamp from Forestier Succumb to the charm of the Oyster floor lamp of the publishing house Forestier, signed Jette Scheib.The circular shape...

    OYSTER - Sienas Lampa

    €170,00 €195,00

    Enchant Your Space with the Elegant Oyster Wall Lamp from Forestier Discover the Oyster wall light from the Forestier publishing house, signed Jette Scheib.The circular shape of the wall lamp...

    OYSTER - Galda Lampa

    €250,00 €280,00

    Enchant Your Space with the Elegant Oyster Table Lamp from Forestier Discover the Oyster table lamp from the Forestier publishing house, signed Jette Scheib. A whole collection Oyster exists designed...

    OYSTER - Piekaramā Lampa

    €190,00 €200,00

    Enchant Your Space with the Elegant Oyster Pendant Light from Forestier Discover the elegance of the sublime pendant light Oyster publishing house Forestier, signed Jette Scheib. The designer appreciates geometric...

    LIBELLULE L - Piekaramā Lampa


    Forestier Libellule L Pendant Light - A poetic winged light The Forestier Libellule L Pendant Light takes wings and flies away for a magical rendering. The finesse of shaping the...

    LIBELLULE S - Piekaramā Lampa


    Forestier Libellule S Pendant Light - A poetic winged light The Forestier Libellule S Pendant Light takes wings and flies away for a magical rendering. The finesse of shaping the...

    CYMBAL L - Piekaramā Lampa

    €950,00 €855,00

    Make a Statement with the Cymbal L Pendant Light from Forestier Used as a shield, cymbals first appeared in Ancient Greece. The musical origin of the percussion instrument comes from...

    CYMBAL S - Piekaramā Lampa

    €355,00 €319,00

    Make a Statement with the Cymbal S Pendant Light from Forestier Used as a shield, cymbals first appeared in Ancient Greece. The musical origin of the percussion instrument comes from...

    TURTLE - Piekaramā Lampa

    €297,00 €255,00

    The Sea Turtle Lamp is ideal for those seeking a minimalistic piece for their home interior. Created from a special eco-friendly material- Kraft paper fabric. This robust and tear-resistant material...

    MEDUSA - Piekaramā Lampa

    €297,00 €255,00

    Like its living counterparts, this one-of-a-kind Medusa Lamp entices and inspires. Created from a special eco-friendly material- Kraft paper fabric. This robust and tear-resistant material has been designed to withstand...

    GOLDFISH - Kraftpapīra Piekaramā Lampa


    Inspired by aquatic life, the Goldfish pendant will bring as much joy and beauty to your children’s room as any fishbowl- without the upkeep! Created from a special eco-friendly material-...

    LAPU LAPU - Kraftpapīra Piekaramā Lampa

    €297,00 €255,00

    Inspired by aquatic life, the Lapu Lapu Lamp will bring as much joy and beauty to your children’s room as any fishbowl- without the upkeep! Created from a special eco-friendly...

    CATO RECESSED - Spotlampa


    Experience Minimalist Elegance with the Cato Recessed Spotlight from Belid Inspired by Scandinavian heritage, the Cato Recessed Spotlight from Belid offers a minimalist design with exceptional quality. Crafted with precision...

    DIABLO (165 mm) - Piekaramā Lampa


    Unveil the Classic Elegance of the Belid Diablo 165 mm Pendant Light Discover the Diablo Pendant Light from Belid, a versatile lighting solution boasting classic design and exquisite craftsmanship. This...

    FOLD LINEAR - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Artistry of the Fold Linear Pendant Light from Belid The Fold Linear Pendant Light from Belid showcases exceptional craftsmanship and innovative design, making it a standout addition to...

    FOLD OFFICE - Piekaramā Lampa


    Discover the Artistry of the Fold Office Pendant Light from Belid The Fold Office Pendant Light from Belid showcases exceptional craftsmanship and innovative design, making it a standout addition to...


    Neatkarīgi no dizaina tēmas, saskaņā ar kuru tiek iesniegts jūsu mājas projekts, pareizais apgaismojums pārveidos jebkuru telpu par ideālu mājvietu. Izpētiet mūsu dizainu izvēli, kas atbilst jebkuram dekoratīvam stilam, tostarp skandināvu vai retro iedvesmotiem, gadsimta vidus moderniem. Ja jums patīk savas mājas energoefektivitātes priekšrocības, apskatiet mūsu videi draudzīgo apgaismojuma kolekciju, kas izgatavota no otrreizēji pārstrādātiem un ilgtspējīgiem materiāliem, kā arī ķermeņiem, kuros izmantotas jaunākās LED tehnoloģijas.

    Lighting design is an important yet often overlooked subject when it comes to designing a space. Great lighting creates depth and height, cozy spots, and draws attention to your most important areas. It's all about the balance of light and shade and bringing new energy to an interior.

    Lighting can be divided into many categories - but the most common types are ambient lighting, task lighting, accent lighting, and mood lighting. Each lighting category has its purpose - for example, task lighting provides light for the performance of certain tasks like studying, work, cooking, or any number of other activities, while ambient lighting (also known as general lighting) is used to uniformly brighten up a space. It is important to use all types of lighting in combination with each other to create the most warm and welcoming space possible.

    - Always keep in mind the functionality of each room. Lighting needs to be chosen with respect to what the room is being used for
    - Consider how lighting will work together with the type of furniture.. Certain furniture pieces will require specific lighting
    - Consider dimming. A light intensity regulator (also known as a dimmer system) allows the user to regulate the lighting intensity, therefore, creating a more responsive light.
    - maintain uniformity in terms of color and intensity. Sudden changes in lighting color (warm/cold) and brightness can result in irritation, stress, and eye fatigue. That being said, if used correctly, choosing different brightness lamps can help create different atmospheres for the part of the room, for example, a more dim and warm floor lamp next to a sofa creates a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, while on the other side of the room, you can use a more cold and bright desk lamp to create a more productive office desk space. It is all about planning.

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