Virtuves salas apgaismojums | Luminesy

Virtuves salas apgaismojums

Izpētiet mūsu virtuves salu apgaismojuma risinājumu kolekciju

Mēs ar prieku piedāvājam mūsu ekskluzīvo virtuves salu apgaismojuma risinājumu kolekciju, kas izstrādāta, lai nevainojami apvienotu funkcionalitāti un estētiku. Šī ar rokām atlasītā izlase piedāvā lielisku veidu, kā izgaismot jūsu kulinārijas darba vietu, vienlaikus uzlabojot virtuves vizuālo pievilcību.

Virtuves saliņas bieži vien ir mājas sirds, kas atvieglo ikdienas ēdiena gatavošanas darbus, ikdienišķas pusdienas un saviesīgas tikšanās. Tāpēc tām ir nepieciešams pārdomāti izstrādāts apgaismojums, kas ir gan praktisks, gan pievilcīgs. Mūsu virtuves salu apgaismojuma kolekcija nodrošina šo perfektu līdzsvaru. Katrs gabals ir veidots tā, lai nodrošinātu pietiekamu apgaismojumu, nodrošinot, ka jūs varat viegli sasmalcināt, sautēt un pasniegt ēdienu, vienlaikus eleganti papildinot jūsu virtuves interjeru.

    HOZUKI INDIGO LARGE - Piekaramā Lampa


    Hozuki Indigo Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate – A Fusion of Natural Elegance and Subtle Light The Hozuki Indigo Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate brings a serene, natural charm to...

    PRIMUS I (430 mm) - Piekaramā Lampa

    €245,00 €265,00

    Enhance Your Space with the Versatile Primus I Pendant Light from Belid Discover the adaptable and stylish Primus Pendant Light from Belid, designed to complement a variety of interiors. Available...

    NUCLEO 160 - Pendant Light


    Nucleo A Celestial Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that captures the essence of movement and balance, Nucleo by Modo Luce is a luminous composition of light and...

    NUCLEO 130 - Pendant Light


    Nucleo A Celestial Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that captures the essence of movement and balance, Nucleo by Modo Luce is a luminous composition of light and...

    CLIP 130 - Pendant Light


    Clip: A Subtle and Elegant Pendant Light by Modo Luce Light accompanies us and assists us in our everyday activities, and Clip by Modo Luce embodies this idea with a...

    CLIP 170 - Pendant Light


    Clip: A Subtle and Elegant Pendant Light by Modo Luce Light accompanies us and assists us in our everyday activities, and Clip by Modo Luce embodies this idea with a...

    ORB - Pendant Light


    Orb - A Timeless Pendant Light by Modo Luce A pendant light that embodies purity and elegance, Orb by Modo Luce transforms the classic sphere into a luminous statement. Inspired...

    VESTALE S3 - Pendant Light


    Vestale Pendant Light by Prandina – A Symphony of Glass and Light in a Timeless Design The Vestale Pendant Light by Prandina is a celebration of the art of glassmaking,...

    ZERODIECI S5/LED S5 E27 - Pendant Light


    Zerodieci Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Blend of Simplicity and Emotion The Zerodieci Pendant Light by Prandina captures the essence of elegance through its refined design and impeccable...

    ZERODIECI S7/LED S7 E27 - Pendant Light


    Zerodieci Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Blend of Simplicity and Emotion The Zerodieci Pendant Light by Prandina captures the essence of elegance through its refined design and impeccable...

    BLOOM S5 LED - Pendant Light

    €1.760,00 €1.875,00

    Bloom Pendant Light by Prandina – A Dance of Duality in Design and Light The Bloom Pendant Light by Prandina offers a captivating blend of direct and diffused light, making...

    ZERO S7/LED S7 E27 - Pendant Light


    Zero Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Classic with Impeccable Glass Craftsmanship The Zero Pendant Light by Prandina embodies timeless elegance with its classic, spherical silhouette and meticulously crafted...

    ZERO S5/LED S5 E27 - Pendant Light


    Zero Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Classic with Impeccable Glass Craftsmanship The Zero Pendant Light by Prandina embodies timeless elegance with its classic, spherical silhouette and meticulously crafted...

    ZERO S3/LED S3 E27 - Pendant Light


    Zero Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Classic with Impeccable Glass Craftsmanship The Zero Pendant Light by Prandina embodies timeless elegance with its classic, spherical silhouette and meticulously crafted...

    ZERO S1G9 - Pendant Light


    Zero Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Classic with Impeccable Glass Craftsmanship The Zero Pendant Light by Prandina embodies timeless elegance with its classic, spherical silhouette and meticulously crafted...

    SERA S3 - Pendant Light

    €855,00 €930,00

    Sera Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Bestseller with Refined Craftsmanship The Sera Pendant Light by Prandina is one of the brand’s most iconic and bestselling designs, known for...

    SERA S1 - Pendant Light

    €820,00 €885,00

    Sera Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Bestseller with Refined Craftsmanship The Sera Pendant Light by Prandina is one of the brand’s most iconic and bestselling designs, known for...

    PARAPH T1 DIMM - Table Lamp


    Paraph Table Lamp by Prandina – A Compact Masterpiece of Modern Design and Light The Paraph Table Lamp by Prandina is a refined blend of minimalist design and efficient lighting,...

    PARAPH T1 - Table Lamp


    Paraph Table Lamp by Prandina – A Compact Masterpiece of Modern Design and Light The Paraph Table Lamp by Prandina is a refined blend of minimalist design and efficient lighting,...

    GINGER T50 - Table Lamp


    Ginger Table Lamp by Prandina – A Refined Balance of Elegance and Subtlety The Ginger Table Lamp by Prandina is a compact lighting solution that blends soft, diffused light with...

    GINGER T30 - Table Lamp


    Ginger Table Lamp by Prandina – A Refined Balance of Elegance and Subtlety The Ginger Table Lamp by Prandina is a compact lighting solution that blends soft, diffused light with...

    BLOOM S5 - Pendant Light

    €1.170,00 €1.285,00

    Bloom Pendant Light by Prandina – A Dance of Duality in Design and Light The Bloom Pendant Light by Prandina offers a captivating blend of direct and diffused light, making...

    ANNA - Pendant Light


    Anna Pendant Light by Globen – A Handcrafted Tribute to Timeless Craftsmanship The Anna Pendant Light from Globen is a stunning homage to artisanal craftsmanship, inspired by designer Mikael’s grandmother,...

    CURVE 5 - Pendant Light


    Curve Pendant Light by Globen – A Dynamic Fusion of Geometry and Style The Curve Pendant Light by Globen redefines modern elegance with its striking blend of soft arcs and...

    BAMS 25 - Pendant Light


    Bams 25 Pendant Light by Globen – Soft Illumination with Contemporary Elegance The Bams 25 Pendant Light by Globen introduces a gentle ambiance to any room, with its beautifully crafted...

    LINNEA 40 - Pendant Light


    Linnea Pendant Light by Globen – Organic Beauty in Recycled Paper and Wood The Linnea Pendant Light by Globen brings an enchanting, natural essence to any space, with its distinctive...

    TORRANO 15 - Pendant Light


    Torrano Pendant Light by Globen – A Statement in Marble and Elegance The Torrano Pendant Light by Globen introduces a luxurious aesthetic to any space, blending solidity and elegance with...

    REBOUND - Pendant Light

    €1.193,00 €1.428,00

    Rebound Pendant Light by Carpyen – A Timeless Icon Reimagined The Rebound Pendant Light from Carpyen is a masterful blend of classic form and modern lighting technology. Its design, crafted...

    TWIGGY AW - Galda Lampa


    Twiggy AW Table Lamp by Ay Illuminate – Embrace the Beauty of Natural Craftsmanship The Twiggy AW Table Lamp by Ay Illuminate brings the warmth of nature into your living...

    COVETTO - Piekaramā Lampa


    Elegant Illumination with the Covetto Pendant Light by Belid Introducing the Covetto Pendant Light from Belid—a stunning lighting fixture that marries form and function with exceptional style. Designed with a...

    HOZUKI INDIGO SMALL - Piekaramā Lampa


    Hozuki Indigo Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate – A Fusion of Natural Elegance and Subtle Light The Hozuki Indigo Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate brings a serene, natural charm to...

    HOZUKI INDIGO MEDIUM - Piekaramā Lampa


    Hozuki Indigo Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate – A Fusion of Natural Elegance and Subtle Light The Hozuki Indigo Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate brings a serene, natural charm to...

    TWIGGY AL - Piekaramā Lampa


    Twiggy AL Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate – A Touch of Balinese Serenity The Twiggy AL pendant light by Ay Illuminate offers a beautifully balanced blend of natural materials and...



    Hozuki Indigo Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate – A Fusion of Natural Elegance and Subtle Light The Hozuki Indigo Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate brings a serene, natural charm to...

    PLUM 34 - Piekaramā Lampa


    Plum Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate – A Symphony of Natural Elegance The Plum Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate brings the allure of handcrafted beauty into your living space. This...

    PLUM 80 - Piekaramā Lampa


    Plum Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate – A Symphony of Natural Elegance The Plum Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate brings the allure of handcrafted beauty into your living space. This...

    PLUM 55 - Piekaramā Lampa


    Plum Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate – A Symphony of Natural Elegance The Plum Pendant Light by Ay Illuminate brings the allure of handcrafted beauty into your living space. This...

    POST KRISI - Pendant Light

    €910,00 €2.150,00

    Post Krisi Pendant Light by Catellani & Smith – Artistry in Light and Shadow The Post Krisi Pendant Light by Catellani & Smith brings together the beauty of light, color,...

    GONG 250 - Piekaramā Lampa

    €225,00 €270,00

    Elegance in Simplicity: The Gong Pendant Light by Belid Introducing the Gong Pendant Light from Belid—a masterclass in minimalist design that exudes Scandinavian elegance. This pendant light is crafted with...

    LUCY - Piekaramā Lampa


    Illuminate with Elegance: The Lucy Pendant Light by Belid Introducing the Lucy Pendant Light from Belid—a sleek and modern lighting solution that combines form and function in perfect harmony. Designed...

    Virtuves salas apgaismojums

    Mūsu kolekcijā ir plašs stilu un dizainu klāsts. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūs piesaista moderno piekaramo gaismekļu elegantais izsmalcinātība, lustru klasiskais šarms vai neuzkrītošā elegance, mūsu piedāvājumā ir viss, kas jums nepieciešams. Turklāt mūsu apgaismojuma risinājumi ir pieejami dažādās apdares krāsās, sākot ar nerūsējošā tērauda vai matēta niķeļa vēso mūsdienīgo pievilcību un beidzot ar bronzas vai nobružāta koka lauku siltumu.

    Mūsu virtuves salu apgaismojuma kolekcijas pamatā ir mūsu nemainīgā apņemšanās nodrošināt kvalitāti un meistarību. Katrs apgaismojuma risinājums ir rūpīgi izstrādāts un izgatavots, lai nodrošinātu ilgstošu izturību un nemainīgu veiktspēju. Izmantojot šo kolekciju, jūs varat baudīt labi apgaismotu virtuves salu, kas kalpo kā stilīgs jūsu virtuves centrālais punkts. Ienirstiet gaismā ar mūsu labāko virtuves salu apgaismojuma kolekciju.

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