Pelēkas griestu lampas | Luminesy

Pelēkas griestu lampas

Iegremdējieties mūsu pelēko griestu gaismekļu kolekcijas modernajā elegancē

Iegremdējieties mūsu pelēko griestu gaismekļu kolekcijas mierīgajā izsmalcinātībā, kur centrā ir pelēkās krāsas smalkais skaistums. Šie gaismekļi ar dažādiem pelēkas krāsas toņiem piedāvā mūsdienīgu ievirzi tradicionālajā apgaismojumā, nodrošinot harmonisku funkcionalitātes un stila apvienojumu.

Pelēkā krāsa, kas bieži vien tiek slavēta tās nomierinošās neitralitātes un daudzpusības dēļ, bez piepūles pielāgojas dažādām dizaina estētiku izpausmēm. Pelēkie griestu gaismekļi ar to pieklusinātajiem toņiem rada līdzsvarotu un izsmalcinātu atmosfēru. Tie kalpo ne tikai kā apgaismojuma avoti, bet arī kā neatņemami interjera elementi, kas smalki papildina gan drosmīgas, gan pieklusinātas krāsu shēmas.

Pārlūkojot mūsu pārdomāti atlasīto klāstu, jūs aizraus neskaitāmas pelēkās krāsas izpausmes. Sākot ar gludām metāliskām apdari, kas piešķir mūsdienīgumu, un beidzot ar matētām vai teksturētām virsmām, kas rada maigāku, organiskāku noskaņu, katra gaisma atspoguļo unikālu dizaina etosu. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tas ir dūmakains tonis vai gaišāks šīfera tonis, pelēkās krāsas būtība ir vienmēr aktuāla, nostiprinot telpas ar savu neuzkrītošo eleganci.

    CUBIC CEILING SPOT [B7] - Griestu Lampa


    More From GANT Lights The cubic ceiling spot [B7] is cast from light or dark grey concrete and comes with a gold, silver or copper plating on the inside. The...

    ANEMON - Griestu lampa

    €129,00 €160,00

    The Anemon lamp provides a warm and welcoming light. The materials are of highest quality and characteristic finish. Anemon is ideal as lighting in a hall, kitchen or corridor.

    BIZZO OPAL - Griestu Lampa

    €129,00 €170,00

    Bizzo is an elegant and low-key lamp, which comes in many variations. The lamp is designed with clear or opal glass and is certified for the bathroom. The luminaire is...

    BIZZO CLEAR - Griestu Lampa

    €155,00 €170,00

    Bizzo is an elegant and low-key lamp, which comes in many variations. The lamp is designed with clear or opal glass and is certified for the bathroom. The luminaire is...

    CATO 3 LIGHT - Spotlampa

    €369,00 €458,00

    The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

    CATO 5 LIGHT - Spotlampa

    €546,00 €653,00

    The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

    CATO TRACK 3 LIGHT - Spotlampa

    €389,00 €546,00

    The creation of Cato is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato brings the light from Varberg into the home....

    OVER ME - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Experience Seamless Illumination with the Over Me Light from Northern This flush-mounted light is stylish and sleek. Comprised of a smooth metal frame and a glowing glass disc, Over Me’s...

    OVER ME 40 - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Experience Seamless Illumination with the Over Me Light from Northern This flush-mounted light is stylish and sleek. Comprised of a smooth metal frame and a glowing glass disc, Over Me’s...

    UMBRA - Sienas / Griestu Lampa


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    DALA - Griestu Lampa

    €990,00 €1.120,00

    Embrace the Architectural Elegance of the Dala Ceiling Light by KDLN Introducing the Dala Ceiling Light from KDLN, a sophisticated lighting solution that fuses fluid lines with a powerful design....

    AUDETTE-IN - Griestu Lampa

    €370,00 €490,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 6WT, D 18WT, D 15WP*, D 15WDA EU, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V Concrete Ceiling...

    AUDETTE-1 UP - Griestu Lampa

    €490,00 €680,00

    AUDY-IN - Griestu Lampa

    €355,00 €420,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 6WT, D 18WT, D 15WP*, D 15WDA EU, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V 3000K version...

    AUDY-1 UP - Griestu Lampa

    €400,00 €585,00

    MADAME GRES LARGE C2573 - Griestu Lampa


    Discover Soft Illumination with the Ferroluce Madame Gres Large C2573 Ceiling Light Dive into the world of soft illumination with the Ferroluce Madame Gres Large C2573 Ceiling Light. This intriguing...

    MADAME GRES SMALL C2572 - Griestu Lampa


    Discover Soft Illumination with the Ferroluce Madame Gres Small C2572 Ceiling Light Dive into the world of soft illumination with the Ferroluce Madame Gres Small C2572 Ceiling Light. This intriguing...

    MATECA C989 - Griestu Lampa


    Ferroluce Mateca C989 Ceiling Light: Minimalist Ceramic Fixture Experience the Nordic minimalism with the Ferroluce Mateca C989 Ceiling Light. This minimalist ceramic fixture integrates the essence of simple lines and...

    SHIBUYA - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Experience Playful Illumination with Zero Lighting's Ceiling / Wall Light Zero Lighting presents the Shibuya Ceiling / Wall Light, an artistic expression of lighting design that infuses joy and vibrancy...

    MEMORY 250 - Ceiling Lamp

    €285,00 €310,00

    Revive Childhood Wonder: The Memory PC878 Ceiling Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Memory PC878 Ceiling Lamp from Brokis, a luminous ode to the whimsical days of childhood. This collection is...

    MEMORY 300 - Ceiling Lamp

    €400,00 €455,00

    Revive Childhood Wonder: The Memory PC877 Ceiling Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Memory PC877 Ceiling Lamp from Brokis, a luminous ode to the whimsical days of childhood. This collection is...

    MEMORY 400 - Ceiling Lamp

    €510,00 €570,00

    Revive Childhood Wonder: The Memory PC876 Ceiling Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Memory PC876 Ceiling Lamp from Brokis, a luminous ode to the whimsical days of childhood. This collection is...

    MEMORY 250 - Wall Lamp

    €285,00 €310,00

    Revive Childhood Wonder: The Memory PC881 Wall Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Memory PC881 Wall Lamp from Brokis, a luminous ode to the whimsical days of childhood. This collection is...

    OVER ME D20 - Ceiling Light


    Experience Seamless Illumination with the Over Me Light from Northern This flush-mounted light is stylish and sleek. Comprised of a smooth metal frame and a glowing glass disc, Over Me’s...

    Pelēkas griestu lampas

    Ikvienā mūsu pelēko griestu gaismekļu kolekcijas gaismeklī ir redzama rūpība par meistarību. Papildus estētiskajam valdzinājumam šie gaismekļi ir izstrādāti, lai nodrošinātu izturību, tādējādi nodrošinot, ka tie ar savu maigo mirdzumu turpinās uzlabot jūsu interjeru gadiem ilgi.

    Ieejiet mūsu pelēko griestu gaismekļu kolekcijas mierīgajā pasaulē. Apgaismojiet savas telpas ar pelēkās krāsas minimālisma šarmu un moderno pievilcību un izbaudiet apgaismojumu, kas ir gan pārlaicīgs, gan moderns. Aptveriet pelēkās krāsas pieklusināto burvību, kas jūsu griestus pacels jaunos dizaina augstumos.

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