Stikla galda lampas | Luminesy

Stikla galda lampas

Ieskatieties mūsu stikla galda lampu kolekcijas krāšņajā pasaulē

Dodieties ceļojumā pa mūsu stikla galda lampu kolekcijas ēterisko skaistumu, kur skaidrība satiekas ar mākslinieciskumu. Šajos mirdzošajos, no stikla veidotajos darbos caurspīdīgums apvienojas ar dizainu, piedāvājot nepārspējamu eleganci, kas mirdz gan gaismā, gan ēnā.

Stikls jau pēc savas būtības rada izsmalcinātības un pārlaicīgas pievilcības auru. Stikla galda lampas izmanto šo valdzinājumu, izstarojot mirdzumu, kas dejo caur to caurspīdīgajām vai tonētajām formām. Šīs lampas ir ne tikai apgaismojuma avots, bet arī centrālais elements, kas valdzina ar mirdzošiem atspulgiem un lauztu spožumu.

Pārlūkojot mūsu rūpīgi atlasīto klāstu, jūs sastapsieties ar bagātīgu dizainu gobelēnu. No caurspīdīgām, minimālistiskām konstrukcijām, kas demonstrē stikla tīrību, līdz krāsainiem vai teksturētiem izstrādājumiem, kas piešķir kaprīzumu vai dramatismu - katra lampa stāsta unikālu stāstu. Stikla daudzpusība nodrošina, ka tas nevainojami iederas dažādos interjeros, neatkarīgi no tā, vai tas ir pagājušā laikmeta vintage šarms, vai mūsdienīgas vides elegantā estētika.

    SERA S3 - Pendant Light

    €855,00 €930,00

    Sera Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Bestseller with Refined Craftsmanship The Sera Pendant Light by Prandina is one of the brand’s most iconic and bestselling designs, known for...

    HANA - Galda Lampa

    €1.730,00 €1.471,00

    Illuminate Elegantly with the Hana Table Lamp from Schwung Introducing the Hana Table Lamp from Schwung, a true masterpiece of elegance and functionality. This compact table lamp is meticulously crafted,...

    MUFFINS WOOD 01 - Stāvlampa

    €1.035,00 €2.120,00

    Illuminate Your Space with the Muffins PC849 Floor Lamp by Brokis: A Beacon of Elegance Introducing the Muffins PC849 Floor Lamp by Brokis, a compact yet compelling luminary that encapsulates...

    MUFFINS WOOD 02 - Stāvlampa

    €1.710,00 €3.160,00

    Illuminate Your Space with the Muffins PC850 Floor Lamp by Brokis: A Beacon of Elegance Introducing the Muffins PC850 Floor Lamp by Brokis, a compact yet compelling luminary that encapsulates...

    MUFFINS MINI WOOD - Galda Lampa

    €875,00 €1.060,00

    Illuminate Your Space with the Muffins PC910 Table Lamp by Brokis: A Beacon of Elegance Introducing the Muffins PC910 Table Lamp by Brokis, a compact yet compelling luminary that encapsulates...

    MONA SMALL - Galda Lampa


    Sophistication Illuminated: The Mona Small Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Mona Small Table Lamp by Brokis, a luminous expression of elegance and contemporary design. Rooted in the concept of...

    MACARON S - Galda Lampa

    €2.880,00 €3.765,00

    Illuminated Elegance: The Macaron PC1038 Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Macaron PC1038 Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterful homage to the ethereal beauty of crystalline stone, captuRed within the...

    MACARON M - Galda Lampa

    €3.905,00 €5.150,00

    Illuminated Elegance: The Macaron PC1039 Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Macaron PC1039 Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterful homage to the ethereal beauty of crystalline stone, captuRed within the...

    MACARON L - Galda Lampa

    €4.965,00 €6.585,00

    Illuminated Elegance: The Macaron PC1040 Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Macaron PC1040 Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterful homage to the ethereal beauty of crystalline stone, captuRed within the...

    LIGHTLINE L-H - Galda Lampa


    Sculpting Light: The Lightline L-H Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Lightline L-H Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterpiece where illumination meets artistry, celebrating the ethereal qualities of glass. This...

    LIGHTLINE M - Galda Lampa


    Sculpting Light: The Lightline M Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Lightline M Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterpiece where illumination meets artistry, celebrating the ethereal qualities of glass. This...

    LIGHTLINE L - Galda Lampa


    Sculpting Light: The Lightline L Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Lightline L Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterpiece where illumination meets artistry, celebrating the ethereal qualities of glass. This...

    LIGHTLINE S - Galda Lampa


    Sculpting Light: The Lightline S Table Lamp by Brokis Introducing the Lightline S Table Lamp by Brokis, a masterpiece where illumination meets artistry, celebrating the ethereal qualities of glass. This...



    Illuminate Without Limits: The Knot Cilindro Battery Table Lamp by Brokis Embrace the freedom to illuminate any space with the Knot Cilindro Battery Table Lamp by Brokis, a beacon of...

    KNOT CILINDRO - Galda Lampa

    €1.880,00 €1.965,00

    Intertwining Elegance: The Knot Cilindro Table Lamp by Brokis The Knot Cilindro Table Lamp by Brokis stands as a testament to the captivating blend of raw materials and refined design....

    GEOMETRIC - Galda Lampa


    Geometric Table Lamp by Brokis: Sculpting Light with Precision Introducing the Geometric Table Lamp by Brokis, a luminary masterpiece where light sculpts glass into graphic elegance. This collection is a...

    OPIUM - Galda Lampa


    Mysterious Elegance: The Forestier Opium Table Lamp Introducing the regal and sensual Forestier Opium Table Lamp, a lamp that captures the essence of decorative allure and Eastern mystique. This lighting...

    TIBET - Galda Lampa


    Mystical Charm: The Forestier Tibet Table Lamp Embrace the allure of the East with the Forestier Tibet Table Lamp, a captivating creation that radiates seduction and mystery. This Table Lamp...

    IMPERATRICE - Galda Lampa


    Mysterious Elegance: The Forestier Imperatrice Table Lamp Introducing the Forestier Imperatrice Table Lamp, a stunning lamp that encapsulates elegance and artistic expression. This magnificent lamp stands out as a sculptural...

    DEW - Galda Lampa


    WOUD Dew Table Lamp: A Versatile Illumination Experience The WOUD Dew Table Lamp is a testament to versatility and modern functionality. Engineered to serve both as a table lamp and...

    MANTA RAY - Galda Lampa

    €268,00 €288,00

    Umage Manta Ray Table Lamp: A Fusion of Art and Ambiance Elevate your interior space with the mesmerizing artistry of the Manta Ray Table Lamp by UMAGE. Constructed from powder-coated...

    PALLA - Galda Lampa


    Minimalist Elegance: Vesoi Palla Table Lamp Introducing the beautifully simplistic Vesoi Palla Table Lamp, a functional and versatile table light for any room. With its sleek design and neutral colors,...

    NASH - Galda Lampa


    Elegant Balance: Vesoi Nash Table Lamp Embrace the harmony of the Vesoi Nash Table Lamp, a well rounded table lighting masterpiece inspired by the concept of balance. This brass or...

    MULTIPLO - Galda Lampa


    Sophisticated Illumination: Vesoi Multiplo Table Lamp Elevate your space with the elegant and versatile Vesoi Multiplo Table Lamp, a modern-classic lighting solution that combines geometric design and high-quality materials to...

    BIJOUX - Galda Lampa


    Elevate Your Interiors with the Sophisticated Vesoi Bijoux Table Lamp Introducing the Vesoi Bijoux Table Lamp, a masterful creation that combines elegance and design to create the perfect atmosphere in...

    AGUA - Galda Lampa

    €650,00 €660,00

    Embrace the Ethereal Beauty of Karman's Agua Table Light Introducing the mesmerizing Agua Table Light by Karman, a captivating lighting solution that evokes the serene beauty of the celestial heavens....

    ODYSSEY 6 - Grīdas Lampa

    €1.756,00 €2.193,00

    Schwung Odyssey 6 Table Lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Schwung Odyssey 6 Table Lamp is a modern freestanding light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    ZOSIA - Galda Lampa

    €1.305,00 €1.632,00

    Schwung home Zosia table lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Zosia by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding table light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    ODYSSEY 1 - galda lampa

    €923,00 €1.154,00

    Schwung Odyssey 1 Table Lamp - where classic meets the contemporary Schwung Odyssey 1 Table Lamp is a modern freestanding table light made entirely of solid brass with mouth blown...

    MILAN - galda lampa

    €1.649,00 €2.074,00

    Schwung home Milan table lamp - where classic meets the contemporary The Milan 1 by Schwung Home is a modern freestanding table light made entirely of solid brass with mouth...

    UMBRA - Galda lampa


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    ORBITAL - Galda Lampa

    €2.131,00 €2.409,00

    Bomma Orbital - Bravely crossing galactic paths Bomma’s Orbital traces paths of multicolored celestial bodies that glow with hypnotically cores. This ingenious design of mouth-blown glass lenses, held together by...

    LANTERN - Galda Lampa

    €795,00 €1.036,00

    Bomma Lantern - when glass embodies paper The ancient shape of the Lantern, transformed by Bomma and recast into glass, maintains its age-old symbolism of a messenger. The essential shape...

    BLIMP SMALL - Galda Lampa

    €2.185,00 €2.352,00

    The Blimp table light by Bomma - the cloud lamp The Blimp small is a stunning glass table lamp that resembles a massive crystal cloud floating in space with the...

    BLIMP MEDIUM - Galda Lampa

    €2.775,00 €2.914,00

    The Blimp medium by Bomma - the cloud lamp The Blimp medium is a stunning glass table lamp that resembles a massive crystal cloud floating in space with the lightness...

    GEMO M - Galda Lampa


    Parachilna Gemo M Table Light - Asymmetrical, but balanced The Parachilna Gemo M Table Light is a gorgeous asymmetrical take on a globe pendant, Parachilna's Gemo takes its name from...

    CHINOZ - Galda Lampa

    €2.077,00 €2.789,00

    Parachilna's Chinoz table Lamp is a contemporary take on a classic collection. Chinoz has the classic shape of the urn that, in the hands of designer Jaimi Hayon, is renewed...

    ABALLS M GR - Galda Lampa

    €1.183,00 €1.535,00

    Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...

    ABALLS M PE - Galda Lampa

    €926,00 €1.175,00

    Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...

    BUOY - Galda Lampa


    The Buoy table lamp from Herstal has an organic shape that resembles a floating Buoy in the calming waves of the Baltic sea. The wireless Buoy lamp is IP44 waterproof....

    Stikla galda lampas

    Stikla galda lampu kolekcija iemieso meistarīgu meistarību. Katrs ar rokām pūstais vai precīzi slīpētais gabals ir stikla veidošanas mākslas apliecinājums, kas nodrošina ne tikai satriecošu estētiku, bet arī izturību un ilgmūžību.

    Ienirstiet mūsu stikla galda lampu kolekcijas hipnotizējošajā valstībā. Ļaujiet šiem mirdzošajiem dārgakmeņiem izgaismot jūsu telpas ar savu mirdzošo šarmu un tēlniecisko eleganci. Izbaudiet stikla burvību, kurā saplūst gaisma un mākslinieciskums.

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