Stikla griestu lampas | Luminesy

Stikla griestu lampas

Iepazīstiet mūsu stikla griestu gaismu kolekcijas caurspīdīgo eleganci

Iegremdējieties mūsu stikla griestu gaismekļu kolekcijas gaismekļu gaismās, kurās stikla mūžīgais šarms satiekas ar mūsdienīgu dizainu. Šajos ķermeņos, kas veidoti no nevainojama stikla, caurspīdīgums apvienojas ar gaismu, radot fascinējošu mirdzuma un atspīduma saspēli.

Stikla caurspīdīgumam un plūdenumam piemīt mūžīga elegance, kas telpās iedveš dzīvību. Stikla griestu lampas valdzina ar savu spēju lauzt un izkliedēt gaismu, piedāvājot ne tikai apgaismojumu, bet arī māksliniecisku izrādi. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tas ir caurspīdīgs vai tonēts, matēts vai ar faktūru, stikla skaistums pastiprina šo gaismekļu ietekmi, padarot tos par galveno elementu jebkurā dizaina shēmā.

Šajā atlasītajā izlasē jūs redzēsiet stikla neierobežoto potenciālu apgaismojuma dizainā. No minimālisma gaismekļiem, kas izceļ caurspīdīga stikla vienkāršību, līdz sarežģītākiem dizainiem, kuros krāsains vai kodināts stikls apvienots ar metāla akcentiem - katram izstrādājumam piemīt atšķirīgs raksturs. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūs piesaista senatnīgu gaismekļu iedvesmots kulons vai mūsdienīgs iebūvējamais gaismeklis, stikla būtība ir vienmēr spēcīga, nodrošinot, ka katrs gaismeklis žilbina savā unikālajā veidā.

    MEDUSA - Ceiling Light

    €515,00 €496,00

    Medusa Ceiling Light by Carpyen – A Mesmerizing Dance of Light and Glass The Medusa Ceiling Light from Carpyen is a captivating creation that brings an air of elegance and...

    VENUS - Sienas / Griestu Lampa

    €385,00 €371,00

    Wall or ceiling lamp in glass.

    DOVEVUOI - Sienas Lampa


    Flexible Illumination with the Vesoi Dovevuoi Wall Light Upgrade your interior lighting with the Vesoi Dovevuoi Wall Light, a versatile adjustable aluminum wall sconce designed to adapt to any environment....

    GIRO TONDO - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Space with the Chic Vesoi GIRO Tondo Wall Light Transform your interior with the sophisticated Vesoi GIRO Tondo Wall Light, an elegant aluminum wall light designed to elevate...

    VAN ABBE - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Vesoi Van Abbe Wall / Ceiling Light: A Modern Touch of Refinement Experience the seamless blend of elegance and simplicity with the Vesoi Van Abbe Wall / Ceiling Light. As...

    UP&DOWN - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Vesoi Up&Down Wall / Ceiling Light: Elegance in Minimalism Experience the charm of minimalism with the Vesoi Up&Down Wall / Ceiling Light. This multifunctional sconce, with its iron structure and...

    TIPERDUE - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Elevate Your Interiors with the Vesoi Tiperdue Wall / Ceiling Light Introduce an element of creativity and character to your spaces with the Vesoi Tiperdue Wall / Ceiling Light. This...

    SOTTOMULTIPLO - Sienas Lampa


    Geometric Elegance: Vesoi Sottomultiplo Wall Light Discover the perfect blend of geometric design and versatile functionality with the Vesoi Sottomultiplo Wall Light. This unique lighting solution features a brass or...

    PALLA - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Simplistic Elegance: Vesoi Palla Wall / Ceiling Light Introducing the Vesoi Palla Wall / Ceiling Light, a timeless fixture that marries simplicity and functionality to create an iconic multifunctional lamp....

    NASH - Sienas Lampa


    Harmonious Illumination: Vesoi Nash Wall Light Embrace balanced lighting with the Vesoi Nash Wall Light, a versatile fixture that brings elegance to any space. Crafted from brass or aluminum, this...

    ICS - Sienas Lampa


    Transform Your Walls with the Stylish Vesoi ICS Wall Light Illuminate your interiors with the versatile Vesoi ICS Wall Light, a brass wall sconce that blends traditional materials and modern...

    BIJOUX - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Elevate Your Interiors with the Sophisticated Vesoi Bijoux Wall / Ceiling Light Introducing the Vesoi Bijoux Wall / Ceiling Light, a masterful creation that combines elegance and design to create...

    SASI LARGE - Griestu Lampa


    Elevate Your Decor with the Nuura Sasi Large Ceiling Light The Sasi Large Ceiling Light from Nuura is a stunning lighting fixture that adds a touch of elegance to any...

    SASI SMALL - Griestu Lampa


    Elevate Your Decor with the Nuura Sasi Small Ceiling Light The Sasi Small Ceiling Light from Nuura is a stunning lighting fixture that adds a touch of elegance to any...

    RIZZATTO 301 - Griestu Lampa


    Designed by Paolo Rizzatto for the Danish design lamp brand Nuura, The Rizzatto 301 is a modern ceiling luminaire with a classic touch. Nurra's Rizzatto 301 gives a soft and...

    RIZZATTO 171 - Griestu Lampa


    Designed by Paolo Rizzatto for the Danish design lamp brand Nuura, The Rizzatto 171 is a modern ceiling luminaire with a classic touch. Nurra's Rizzatto 171 gives a soft and...

    PLANETA - Griestu Lampa


    Elevate Your Ceiling with the Eichholtz Planeta Ceiling Lamp The Planeta Ceiling Lamp from Eichholtz is a contemporary and charming lighting fixture that elevates any ceiling in your home. With...

    NERANO - Griestu Lampa


    Mid-Century Charm: The Nerano Ceiling Light by Eichholtz Embrace timeless design with a Mid-Century Modern twist in the luxurious Nerano Ceiling Light by Eichholtz. Ideal for contemporary interiors, this enchanting...

    BERNARDI L - Griestu Lampa

    €2.125,00 €2.540,00

    Illuminate with Art Deco Flair: The Bernardi L Ceiling Light by Eichholtz Embrace the charm of the 1920s with the captivating Art Deco-inspired Bernardi L Ceiling Light by Eichholtz. This...

    HYÈRES - Griestu Lampa


    Embrace Vintage Sophistication with the Hyeres Ceiling Light by Eichholtz Establish the lighting composition of your home with the timeless elegance of the Art Deco era with the Hyeres Ceiling...

    BOIVIN - Griestu Lampa


    Illuminate Your Home with the Radiant Sun-Like Boivin Ceiling Light by Eichholtz Invite a touch of brilliance into your space with the mesmerizing Boivin Ceiling Lamp from Eichholtz. Inspired by...

    ORION - Piekaramā Lampa

    €5.292,00 €6.618,00

    Schwung home Orion pendant - where classic meets the contemporary The Orion pendant by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with clear varnish....

    SOAP 6 DT - Griestu Lampa

    €4.582,00 €5.729,00

    Schwung home Soap 6 DT ceiling - where classic meets the contemporary The Soap 6 DT Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass...

    SOAP B7 - Griestu Lampa

    €5.525,00 €6.103,00

    Schwung home Soap B7 ceiling - where classic meets the contemporary The Soap B7 Chandelier by Schwung Home is a modern ceiling light made entirely of solid brass with mouth...

    UMBRA - Sienas / Griestu Lampa


    Bomma Umbra - There is no shadow without light Every detail of Bomma's Umbra collection embodies the relation of geometric objects and their shadows with sophisticated elegance. Its metal plate...

    MANILA C GR - Griestu Lampa

    €1.213,00 €1.091,00

    Designer Sebastian Herkner’s artisanal blown-glass pendant for Parachilna with a plissé textile diffuser was suggested by a flamenco dancer’s traditional silk shawl, the "Mantón de Manila.” The addition of a...

    MANILA C PE - Griestu Lampa

    €804,00 €723,00

    Designer Sebastian Herkner’s artisanal blown-glass pendant for Parachilna with a plissé textile diffuser was suggested by a flamenco dancer’s traditional silk shawl, the "Mantón de Manila.” The addition of a...

    ABALLS A II GR - Griestu / Sienas Lampa

    €860,00 €1.030,00

    Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...

    ABALLS A II ME - Griestu / Sienas Lampa

    €745,00 €945,00

    Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...

    ABALLS A II ME - Griestu / Sienas Lampa

    €655,00 €831,00

    Parachilna reached out to the Spanish designer Jaime Hayon and asked to design a lamp that holds all the core values of Parachilna: Great materials, tradition, craftsmanship proficiency, and flawless...

    BLOSSI 1 - Piekaramā Lampa


    Designed by Paolo Rizzatto for the Danish design lamp brand Nuura, The Rizzatto 42 is a modern ceiling luminaire with a classic touch. Nurra's Rizzatto 42 gives a soft and...

    LIILA 12 - Sienas Lampa


    The Liila 7 wall / Ceiling Light is an innovative and sophisticated light for the wall or ceiling from the Danish lighting brand Nuura. Looking at the thin shade, from...

    RITZ - Griestu Lampa

    €152,00 €174,00

    Add some Glamour to Your Home with the Ritz Ceiling Light from Globen Lighting Looking for a statement piece that will truly elevate your space? Look no further than the...

    BLOSSI - Sienas / Griestu Lampa


    Nuura Blossi Wall / Ceiling Light - A reflection of the Nordic fall Designed by Sofie Refer for the Danish design lamp brand Nuura, The Blossi wall / ceiling light...

    APIALES 9 - Griestu Lampa


    With inspiration from flowers, Sofie Refer has designed the Apiales collection. The collection consists of two chandeliers with 9 or 18 mouth-blown glass globes and are available in golden Brush...

    BRAILLE LARGE - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Space with Braille Large Ceiling / Wall Light by Karman: A Stunning Blend of Form and Function A different “creative adventure” where inspiration doesn’t come from a place...

    BRAILLE SMALL - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Space with Braille Small Ceiling / Wall Light by Karman: A Stunning Blend of Form and Function A different “creative adventure” where inspiration doesn’t come from a place...

    TAGE 50 - Griestu Lampa

    €233,00 €350,00

    MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY: 3 Simplistic, yet striking the Tage ceiling light is an exciting design by the Swedish brand Care of Bankeryd.

    Stikla griestu lampas

    Katrs mūsu stikla griestu gaismekļu kolekcijas gaismeklis ir rūpīgas meistarības apliecinājums, apvienojot estētiku un izturību. Izstrādāti, lai spīdētu un pārsteigtu, šie gaismekļi noteikti izraisīs sarunas, izstarojot savu gaismas burvību jebkurā vidē.

    Dodieties mūsu stikla griestu gaismekļu kolekcijas mirdzošajā visumā. Ļaujiet šiem stikla meistardarbiem mainīt jūsu griestu izskatu, pārvēršot tos no vienkāršām virsmām par gaismas un elegances audekliem. Izbaudiet mūžīgo stikla brīnumu, kas ir mirdzumā.

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