Estiluz Revolta kolekcija | Luminesy

Estiluz Revolta kolekcija

Estiluz Revolta - ikoniskās Volta kolekcijas variācija

Atvērti apļi, kas ieskicēti gaisā, vai rāmji auduma paneļiem, lai mīkstinātu skaņu. Piekarināmajiem cilindriem ir alumīnija galvas un akrila difuzori. Izveidojiet savu individuālo piekaramo gaismu, kombinējot tos atsevišķi vai kopā ar mūsu piedāvāto jumtiņu klāstu.

Estiluz Revolta piedāvā unikālu un dekoratīvu risinājumu telpas trokšņa mīkstināšanai ar akustiskajiem paneļiem, kas pārklāti ar audumu no skaņu absorbējošām putām. Revolta var izmantot arī lielu telpu sadalīšanai atsevišķās zonās.

Iepazīstieties ar visu Estiluz klāstu šeit.

REVOLTA - Piekaramā Lampa


Perfect lines create perfect design, the REVOLTA - Pendant Light by Estiluz Open circles sketched in the air, or frames for fabric panels to soften sound. Pendant cylinders have aluminium...

REVOLTA - Piekaramā Lampa

€1.016,00 €1.272,00

Perfect lines create perfect design, the REVOLTA - Pendant Light by Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA - Piekaramā Lampa


Perfect lines create perfect design, the REVOLTA - Pendant Light by Estiluz Open circles sketched in the air, or frames for fabric panels to soften sound. Pendant cylinders have aluminium...

REVOLTA - Piekaramā Lampa

€761,00 €964,00

Perfect lines create perfect design, the REVOLTA - Pendant Light by Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA - Sienas Lampa


Perfect lines create perfect design, the REVOLTA - Wall Light by Estiluz The Revolta is the most elaborate wall light you can get with just straight lines and circles. The...

REVOLTA L73.1S1D - Piekaramā Lampa


Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta L73.1S1D Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta L73.1S1D Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA L73.1S1D - Piekaramā Lampa

€1.798,00 €2.262,00

Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta L73.1S1D Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta L73.1S1D Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA L73.2D - Piekaramā Lampa


Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta L73.2D Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta L73.2D Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA L73.2D - Piekaramā Lampa

€1.773,00 €2.569,00

Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta L73.2D Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta L73.1S1D Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA R100 - Piekaramā Lampa


Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta R100 Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta R100 Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA R100 - Piekaramā Lampa

€4.304,00 €5.330,00

Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta R100 Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta R100 Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA R70 - Piekaramā Lampa

€2.016,00 €2.335,00

Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta R70 Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta R70 Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA R70 - Piekaramā Lampa

€2.777,00 €3.392,00

Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta R70 Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta R70 Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA R40 - Piekaramā Lampa

€1.332,00 €1.824,00

Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta R40 Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta R40 Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA R40 - Piekaramā Lampa

€2.399,00 €2.632,00

Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta R40 Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta R40 Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA L165.5D - Piekaramā Lampa


Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta L165.5D Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta L165.5D Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

REVOLTA L165.5D - Piekaramā Lampa


Revolutionize Your Space with the Revolta L165.5D Pendant Light from Estiluz Upgrade your lighting game with the Revolta L165.5D Pendant Light from Estiluz. Featuring open circles that seem to be...

Estiluz Revolta kolekcija

Estiluz izmanto sarežģītas ģeometriskas formas un līnijas, kas citur nav redzētas, viņi ir izmantojuši formas un leņķus kā neviens cits. Tiek izmantoti arī unikāli materiāli, ne tikai metāls, pārvēršot pat visvienkāršākās apgaismojuma koncepcijas par kaut ko jaunu.
Estiluz ir lepns produktu ražotājs ar marķējumu "Ražots Eiropā", un tajā strādā daudzveidīga starptautiska komanda. Uzņēmums ir apņēmies būt videi draudzīgs, un visi produktu izstrādes un ražošanas aspekti, sākot ar iepakojumu un beidzot ar materiāliem un enerģijas taupīšanas praksi, tiek rūpīgi apsvērti, ņemot vērā ekoloģiju un efektivitāti. Estiluz par prioritāti izvirza vietējo darbinieku pieņemšanu darbā, un tā jauno un inovatīvo dizaineru komandu atbalsta pieredzējuši inženieri. Šī apņemšanās ievērot ilgtspēju atspoguļojas uzņēmuma izturīgajos produktos un ilgajā vēsturē.

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