Kafijas galdiņa lampas | Luminesy

Kafijas galdiņa lampas

Izgaismojiet savas sarunas ar mūsu kafijas galdiņu gaismekļu kolekciju

Iegremdējieties mūsu kafijas galdiņu gaismekļu kolekcijas izsmalcinātajā elegancē, kur apkārtējās vides apgaismojums satiekas ar izsmalcinātu dizainu. Šīs lampas un lampas, kas rūpīgi izstrādātas jūsu kafijas galdiņam, nevainojami apvieno formu un funkciju, pārvēršot ikdienas telpas par mājīgām, aicinošām oāzēm.

Kafijas galdiņu gaismekļiem un lampām ir izšķiroša nozīme dzīvojamo telpu atmosfēras radīšanā. Tie piedāvā vairāk nekā tikai apgaismojumu; tie kļūst par jūsu galda centrālo elementu, bieži vien ietekmējot jūsu sarunu, klusu pārdomu vai pat vienkāršu atpūtas brīžu noskaņu. Mūsu kolekcija atspoguļo šo būtību, apvienojot dizainus, kas ne tikai izstaro gaismu, bet arī izstaro raksturu un stilu.

Šajā ekskluzīvajā klāstā jūs sastapsieties ar dizainu spektru, kas būs piemērots jebkurai gaumei. Minimālistiskas lampas, kas rada smalku paziņojumu, grezni gaismekļi, kas kalpo kā sarunu ierosinātāji, vai arī mūžīgas lampas, kas nevainojami iederas jebkurā interjerā. Neatkarīgi no dizaina katra lampa un gaisma ir veidota ar vienīgo mērķi - uzlabot jūsu kafijas galdiņu.

    FIREFLY IN THE SKY - Galda Lampa

    €500,00 €640,00

    Panzeri FIREFLY IN THE SKY Table Light - Minimalistic outdoor lamp Panzeri FIREFLY IN THE SKY is an IP65 outdoor battery table and peg lamp. The removable head contains magnetic...

    EL CUBO - Galda Lampa


    El Cubo by Carpyen, reinventing the Table Lamp Originally designed by Gabriel Teixidó in 1974, El Cubo is a synthesis of its innovative vision and generous approach of improving people’s...

    INDUSTRIAL C1650 - Galda Lampa


    Retro Industrial Table Lamp: Ferroluce Industrial C1650 Unveiling an extraordinary fusion of vintage charm and industrial design, the Ferroluce Industrial C1650 Table Lamp is a delightful addition to your home...

    PETRA M ME - Galda Lampa

    €1.611,00 €1.450,00

    Parachilna's Petra table lamp designed by Jordi Veciana has a cylindrical base, a conical shade both made from a single piece of alabaster. Pure utility, pure material, simply beautiful. The...

    EOS MINI - Galda Lampa

    €198,00 €218,00

    Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

    PETRA M PE - Galda Lampa

    €540,00 €485,00

    Parachilna's Petra table lamp designed by Jordi Veciana has a cylindrical base, a conical shade both made from a single piece of alabaster. Pure utility, pure material, simply beautiful. The...

    CANNES - Galda Lampa


    Introducing the Sober and Stylish Cannes Table Lamp from Globen Lighting Bring some modern flair to your home with the Globen Cannes Table Lamp. With its minimalistic design and neutral...

    AUSTERE - Galda Lampa

    €850,00 €1.010,00

    Trizo21 Austere Table lamp - One line, no frills ‘Austere’ can mean sleek, linear and/or stripped of excess. And also slender and tranquil just like an ethereal silhouette. It can’t...

    ALABAST 11 - Galda Lampa


    An uniquely practical lamp, the ALABAST 11 Table Lamp from Carpyen Add a bit of recognisability and character to your space with the ALABAST 11 Table Lamp from Carpyen. Crafted...

    ALABAST 30 - Galda Lampa


    An uniquely practical lamp, the ALABAST 30 Table Lamp from Carpyen Add a bit of recognisability and character to your space with the ALABAST 30 Table Lamp from Carpyen. Crafted...

    ALABAST 39 - Galda Lampa


    An uniquely practical lamp, the ALABAST 39 Table Lamp from Carpyen Add a bit of recognisability and character to your space with the ALABAST 39 Table Lamp from Carpyen. Crafted...

    SINGAPOUR - Galda Lampa


    Singapour by Market Set - Aesthetic Architectural Lights The Singapour table lamp from Market Set is an aesthetic and feminine series of lamps with real architectural compositions. Indeed, the soft,...

    JACKIE - Galda Lampa

    €485,00 €550,00

    Panzeri Jackie Table Light - A simply modern light A showpiece by Panzeri: the LED table lamp with a robust base in the famous Panzeri collection is an ideal lighting...

    VESTALE T3 - Table Lamp


    Vestale Table Lamp by Prandina – A Masterpiece of Glass Artistry and Timeless Elegance The Vestale Table Lamp by Prandina is a testament to the beauty of expert glass craftsmanship,...

    SINO T3 - Table Lamp

    €855,00 €940,00

    Sino Table Lamp by Prandina – A Masterpiece of Light and Elegant Craftsmanship The Sino Table Lamp by Prandina tells a story of lightness, elegance, and precious materials. Featuring a...

    SANTACHIARA T3 - Table Lamp


    Santachiara Table Lamp by Prandina – A Symphony of Simplicity and Elegance The Santachiara Table Lamp by Prandina offers a harmonious blend of minimalist design and refined craftsmanship, creating an...

    SANTACHIARA T1 - Table Lamp


    Santachiara Table Lamp by Prandina – A Symphony of Simplicity and Elegance The Santachiara Table Lamp by Prandina offers a harmonious blend of minimalist design and refined craftsmanship, creating an...

    PARAPH T1 DIMM - Table Lamp


    Paraph Table Lamp by Prandina – A Compact Masterpiece of Modern Design and Light The Paraph Table Lamp by Prandina is a refined blend of minimalist design and efficient lighting,...

    NOVIA T1 USB - Table Lamp


    Novia Table Lamp by Prandina – A Modern Twist on Timeless Elegance The Novia Table Lamp by Prandina offers a fresh interpretation of the classic fabric lampshade, bringing a modern...

    PARAPH T1 - Table Lamp


    Paraph Table Lamp by Prandina – A Compact Masterpiece of Modern Design and Light The Paraph Table Lamp by Prandina is a refined blend of minimalist design and efficient lighting,...

    NOTTE T1 - Table Lamp

    €460,00 €495,00

    Notte Table Lamp by Prandina – Timeless Elegance in Compact Form The Notte Table Lamp by Prandina offers a perfect blend of refined craftsmanship and minimalist design, providing soft, diffused...

    MICRO T3 -Table Lamp


    Micro Table Lamp by Prandina – A Compact Masterpiece of Blown Glass Elegance The Micro Table Lamp by Prandina offers a blend of refined craftsmanship and minimalist elegance, providing soft,...

    MICRO T1 - Table Lamp


    Micro Table Lamp by Prandina – A Compact Masterpiece of Blown Glass Elegance The Micro Table Lamp by Prandina offers a blend of refined craftsmanship and minimalist elegance, providing soft,...

    LANDING T3 - Table Lamp


    Landing Table Lamp by Prandina – A Minimalist Vision of Light and Design The Landing Table Lamp by Prandina offers a seamless blend of clean lines and modern functionality, delivering...

    GLAM T3 - Table Lamp

    €1.275,00 €1.415,00

    Glam Table Lamp by Prandina – A Timeless Elegance in Blown Glass Design The Glam Table Lamp by Prandina brings a fresh and elegant take on the traditional table lamp,...

    GLAM T1 - Table Lamp

    €1.155,00 €1.170,00

    Glam Table Lamp by Prandina – A Timeless Elegance in Blown Glass Design The Glam Table Lamp by Prandina brings a fresh and elegant take on the traditional table lamp,...

    GLAM SMALL T3 - Table Lamp


    Glam Table Lamp by Prandina – A Timeless Elegance in Blown Glass Design The Glam Table Lamp by Prandina brings a fresh and elegant take on the traditional table lamp,...

    GLAM SMALL T1 - Table Lamp


    Glam Table Lamp by Prandina – A Timeless Elegance in Blown Glass Design The Glam Table Lamp by Prandina brings a fresh and elegant take on the traditional table lamp,...

    GINGER T50 - Table Lamp


    Ginger Table Lamp by Prandina – A Refined Balance of Elegance and Subtlety The Ginger Table Lamp by Prandina is a compact lighting solution that blends soft, diffused light with...

    GINGER T30 - Table Lamp


    Ginger Table Lamp by Prandina – A Refined Balance of Elegance and Subtlety The Ginger Table Lamp by Prandina is a compact lighting solution that blends soft, diffused light with...

    FEZ T3 - Table Lamp

    €1.080,00 €1.245,00

    Fez Table Lamp by Prandina – A Timeless Blend of Art and Illumination The Fez Table Lamp by Prandina combines the beauty of a compact table lamp with the richness...

    SERA SMALL T1 - Table Lamp

    €620,00 €855,00

    Sera Table Lamp by Prandina – A Timeless Blend of Elegance and Functionality The Sera Table Lamp by Prandina exemplifies a perfect harmony of form and function, offering a compact...

    SERA T1 - Table Lamp

    €815,00 €915,00

    Sera Table Lamp by Prandina – A Timeless Blend of Elegance and Functionality The Sera Table Lamp by Prandina exemplifies a perfect harmony of form and function, offering a compact...

    SERA S3 - Pendant Light

    €855,00 €930,00

    Sera Pendant Light by Prandina – A Timeless Bestseller with Refined Craftsmanship The Sera Pendant Light by Prandina is one of the brand’s most iconic and bestselling designs, known for...

    BIRD - Galda Lampa


    Elevate Your Space with KDLN's Bird Table Lamp Introducing the Bird Table Lamp from KDLN—a perfect balance of form and function, designed to bring both elegance and versatility to your...

    HANA - Galda Lampa

    €1.730,00 €1.471,00

    Illuminate Elegantly with the Hana Table Lamp from Schwung Introducing the Hana Table Lamp from Schwung, a true masterpiece of elegance and functionality. This compact table lamp is meticulously crafted,...

    CARPA - Galda Lampa


    Modern Geometry: The Forestier Carpa Table Lamp Discover the sleek and sophisticated Forestier Carpa Table Lamp, a design by German designer Jette Scheib. This elegant lamp stands out with its...

    KACTOS - Galda Lampa


    Nature-Inspired Warmth: LZF Kactos Table Lamp Embrace the warmth and whimsy of the LZF Kactos Table Lamp, a delightful creation by Ray Power that brings the essence of nature right...

    OSCA - Galda Lampa

    €1.155,00 €1.250,00

    Sculptural Simplicity: LZF Osca Table Lamp Introducing the LZF Osca Table Lamp, a beacon of modernism and a testament to cubist design. Conceived by the renowned Bodo Sperlein, this lamp...

    TINY - Galda Lampa

    €210,00 €285,00

    Charming Illumination: LZF Tiny Table Lamp Embrace the charm of minimalist design with the LZF Tiny Table Lamp, a creation that embodies simplicity and elegance. This compact yet powerful light...

    Kafijas galdiņa lampas

    Mūsu apņemšanās nodrošināt kvalitāti atspoguļojas katrā kafijas galdiņu gaismekļu kolekcijas priekšmetā. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūs piesaista tradicionālās lampas maigais mirdzums vai modernās gaismas spilgtā mirdzums, jūs varat būt pārliecināti par to izturību, veiktspēju un estētisko pievilcību.

    Ienirstiet mūsu kafijas galdiņu lampu kolekcijas siltajā, mierinošajā mirdzumā. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai tas ir lampas maigais mirdzums vai pārsteidzošais gaismas spožums, ļaujiet tām būt par bāku, kas izgaismo jūsu dārgos mirkļus. Pārvērtiet savas tikšanās un klusās atpūtas brīžus ar perfektu gaismekļu un lampu apvienojumu.

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