Krēsli & Taburetes Page 3 | Luminesy

Krēsli & Taburetes

Izbaudiet komfortu un stilu ar mūsu Eiropas dizaina krēslu un taburešu kolekciju

Krēsli un taburetes ir ne tikai vieta, kur sēdēt, bet arī neatņemama interjera dizaina orķestra sastāvdaļa, veidojot stila, funkcionalitātes un komforta simfoniju. Mūsu rūpīgi kūrētā Eiropas dizaineru krēslu un taburešu kolekcija aicina jūs no jauna definēt sēdvietu mākslu. Mūsu piedāvājumā ir gan klasiska elegance, gan mūsdienīgs šiks, un mēs koncentrējamies uz augstākās kvalitātes kvalitāti, piedāvājot izsmalcinātus izstrādājumus, kas akcentē un papildina jebkuru interjera stilu.

Mūsu krēsli un taburetes ne tikai nodrošina ērtu sēdvietu, bet arī sniedz iespēju pārsniegt ierasto, lai radītu vidi, kas sasaucas ar jūsu unikālo estētisko gaumi. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai šīs mēbeles paredzētas intīmām ģimenes vakariņām, izsmalcinātām saviesīgām tikšanās reizēm vai mērķtiecīgām darba sesijām, tās ir radītas, lai uzlabotu jūsu pieredzi, piedāvājot nepārspējamu stila, komforta un funkcionalitātes apvienojumu tieši pie jūsu durvīm. Tad kādēļ samierināties ar ikdienišķo, ja varat pārveidot savu telpu par stilīgu svētnīcu ar mūsu izcilo kolekciju?


    MONO - Bāra Taburete


    The Mono Bar Stool by Woud: A Sculptural Ode to Innovation Stepping into the world of Woud's Mono Bar Stool is like embracing a new dimension of design. This piece,...

    SLALOM - Pakāpiena Soliņš


    The Slalom Step Stool by Woud: A Dance of Function and Elegance Introducing the Slalom Step Stool by Woud, where inspiration meets utility. Capturing the rhythm and elegance of a...

    MONO - Letes Taburete


    The Mono Counter Chair by Woud: A Masterclass in Innovative Simplicity In the world of furniture design, the Mono Counter Chair by Woud stands apart, a testament to the brilliance...

    MONO - Ēdamkrēsls


    The Mono Dining Chair by Woud: Artistry Meets Woodwork In the Woud Mono Dining Chair, traditional conventions are gracefully set aside, unveiling an avant-garde masterpiece. Conceptualized by the adept Finnish...

    PAUSE - Ēdamkrēsls

    €425,00 €555,00

    The Pause Dining Chair by Woud: Embodying Scandinavian Simplicity The Pause Dining Chair by Woud is a testament to the power of minimalism. Every element, every line of this chair...

    SOMA - Ēdamkrēsls

    €445,00 €530,00

    The Soma Dining Chair by Woud: Essential Elegance Defined The Soma Dining Chair by Woud is an epitome of design distilled to its purest form. Conceptualized by the visionary Finnish...

    GEM - Pufs

    €1.180,00 €1.575,00

    Enhance Your Living Space with the Versatile Gem Pouf from Northern Introducing the Gem Pouf from Northern, designed by the award-winning German designer Meike Harde. This multifunctional piece is not...

    GEM - Atpūtas Krēsls

    €1.770,00 €2.460,00

    Relax in Style with the Gem Lounge Chair from Northern Introduce timeless comfort and modern design into your living space with the Gem Lounge Chair from Northern. Designed by the...

    GEM ARMRESTS - Atpūtas Krēsls

    €2.260,00 €2.950,00

    Relax in Style with the Gem Lounge Chair from Northern Introduce timeless comfort and modern design into your living space with the Gem Lounge Chair from Northern. Designed by the...

    ABBY - Krēsls


    Embrace Timeless Elegance with the Abby Chair from Porada Experience the blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary design with the Abby Chair from Porada. Designed by the renowned Oscar and...

    ALBA - Krēsls


    Embrace Modern Elegance with the Alba Chair from Porada Introducing the Alba Chair from Porada, an embodiment of elegance and ergonomic design in one seamless creation. Crafted with meticulous attention...

    ABBY - Rotējošais Krēsls


    Embrace Timeless Elegance with the Abby Chair from Porada Experience the blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary design with the Abby Chair from Porada. Designed by the renowned Oscar and...

    AMARANTHA - Atpūtas Krēsls


    Unwind in Luxury with the Amarantha Armchair from Porada Introducing the Amarantha Armchair by Porada, a masterpiece of comfort and iconic design that reimagines the classic Papasan chair for contemporary...

    ANDY - Rotējošais Krēsls


    Elevate Your Dining Experience with the Andy Chair from Porada Introducing the Andy Chair from Porada, a marvel of craftsmanship and design precision that blends formality with conviviality. This upholstered...

    ANDY - Krēsls


    Elevate Your Dining Experience with the Andy Chair from Porada Introducing the Andy Chair from Porada, a marvel of craftsmanship and design precision that blends formality with conviviality. This upholstered...

    ARLEKIN - Krēsls


    Rediscover Classic Elegance with the Arlekin Chair from Porada Introducing the Arlekin Chair by Porada, a masterpiece that beautifully marries artistic flair with impeccable craftsmanship. This solid wood dining chair...

    BICE - Pufs


    Enhance Your Comfort with the Bice Pouf from Porada Complement your seating arrangement with the exquisite Bice Pouf, a harmonious blend of functionality and design artistry from Porada. Crafted by...

    ASTRID - Krēsls


    Enhance Your Dining Space with the Astrid Chair from Porada Introduce a touch of sophisticated elegance to your dining room with the Astrid Chair from Porada. Renowned for its measured...

    CELINE - Rotējošais Krēsls


    Embrace Elegance with the Celine Chair from Porada Introducing the Celine Chair by Porada, an epitome of modern elegance fused with exceptional comfort. Designed to enhance any dining room or...

    CELINE - Krēsls


    Embrace Elegance with the Celine Chair from Porada Introducing the Celine Chair by Porada, an epitome of modern elegance fused with exceptional comfort. Designed to enhance any dining room or...

    CONNIE - Krēsls


    Embrace Timeless Elegance with the Connie Chair from Porada Introducing the Connie Chair from Porada, a pinnacle of luxury and ergonomic design, tailored to enhance both contemporary and traditional dining...

    CONNIE - Rotējošais Krēsls


    Embrace Timeless Elegance with the Connie Chair from Porada Introducing the Connie Chair from Porada, a pinnacle of luxury and ergonomic design, tailored to enhance both contemporary and traditional dining...

    EMMA - Krēsls


    Discover Elegant Simplicity with the Emma Chair by Porada Introducing the Emma Chair by Porada, a sublime expression of minimalist elegance and comfort, designed by the renowned Patrick Jouin. This...

    EVELIN - Krēsls


    Embrace Retro Elegance with the Evelin Chair by Porada Introducing the Evelin Chair, a stunning homage to the clean lines and functional beauty of 1950s Scandinavian design, meticulously crafted by...

    FRIDA - Krēsls


    Discover the Elegance of the Frida Chair by Porada Introducing the Frida Chair, a masterpiece of design and craftsmanship from Porada. This dining chair with arms exemplifies elegance through its...

    ESTER - Krēsls


    Experience Refined Comfort with the Ester Chair from Porada The Ester Chair from Porada, a masterpiece of design and craftsmanship, embodies a seamless blend of elegance and ergonomic comfort. Designed...

    IONIS - Krēsls


    Experience Unmatched Elegance with the Ionis Chair from Porada Introducing the Ionis Chair, a paragon of Italian craftsmanship and elegant design, brought to you by Porada. Designed by the renowned...

    MOLLY - Krēsls


    Embrace Contemporary Elegance with the Molly Chair from Porada Introducing the Molly Chair by Porada, a beacon of innovative design and comfort. This distinctive dining chair combines the timeless beauty...

    NISSA - Krēsls


    Discover the Elegant Comfort of the Nissa Chair by Porada Introducing the Nissa Chair from Porada, an epitome of comfort and elegance, designed to enhance the aesthetic and functionality of...

    LIP - Krēsls


    Discover the Elegance of Nature with the Porada Lip Chair Embodying the essence of nature's elegance, the Porada Lip Chair, designed by the acclaimed Marconato & Zappa, invites a touch...

    LOLITA - Krēsls


    Embrace Elegance with the Porada Lolita Chair Inspired by the ethos of minimalism and grace, the Lolita Chair by Porada, designed by Emmanuel Gallina with a nod to Gio Ponti's...

    SERENA - Atpūtas Krēsls


    Graceful Elegance with the Serena Armchair by Porada Introducing the Serena Armchair by Porada, a masterpiece of design crafted by Emmanuel Gallina, where contemporary style meets the warmth of traditional...

    PENELOPE - Krēsls


    Discover Elegant Comfort with the Penelope Chair from Porada Introducing the Penelope Chair, a blend of sophistication and comfort, meticulously crafted by Porada. This modern chair captures the essence of...

    NOEMI - Krēsls


    Embrace Timeless Elegance with the Noemi Chair by Porada Discover the Noemi Chair by Porada, where timeless design meets unparalleled comfort, encapsulating the essence of sophisticated dining. Crafted with meticulous...

    ALCIDE - Pufs


    Refine Your Space with the Alcide Pouf from Porada Introducing the Alcide Pouf from Porada, a masterpiece that showcases the brand's dedication to high-quality craftsmanship and innovative design. This collection...

    LAGOM - Pufs


    Embrace Minimalist Elegance with the Porada Lagom Pouf The Porada Lagom Pouf, a masterpiece of Scandinavian-inspired design, introduces a serene balance of function and aesthetic to modern living spaces. Created...

    AMARANTHA - Pufs


    Enhance Comfort and Style with the Amarantha Pouf from Porada Introducing the Amarantha Pouf from Porada, a perfect complement to the Emmanuel Gallina-designed armchair, crafted to enhance both comfort and...

    SMILE - Pufs


    Elegant Versatility with the Smile Pouf by Porada Introducing the Smile Pouf from Porada, a creation that embodies practicality with a touch of whimsy, designed by the renowned duo Marconato...

    SMILE - Revolving Pufs


    Elegant Versatility with the Smile Pouf by Porada Introducing the Smile Pouf from Porada, a creation that embodies practicality with a touch of whimsy, designed by the renowned duo Marconato...

    WEBBY 3 - Pufs


    Enrich Your Living Space with the Webby Pouf from Porada Introducing the Webby Pouf from Porada, a symbol of luxurious comfort and sleek design. This exceptional piece is a key...

    Krēsli & Taburetes

    Mūsu krēslu un taburešu kolekcijas šarms slēpjas tās daudzpusīgumā un vieglā elegancē. Šie mēbeļu elementi piedāvā vienkāršu veidu, kā piešķirt savam interjeram individualitāti, neiesaistoties lielos pārdarīšanas projektos. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties radīt spilgtu kontrastu vai saskaņot ar esošo interjeru, mūsu kolekcija atbilst jūsu vēlmēm. Katrs darbs, ko ar rūpīgu uzmanību detaļām izstrādājuši vadošie Eiropas dizaineri, ir mūžīgas meistarības un novatoriska dizaina apliecinājums. Ļaujieties izvēles greznībai un pārveidojiet savu telpu ar mūsu ievērojamo krēslu un taburešu klāstu. Ļaujiet mūsu kolekcijai iedvesmot jūs eksperimentēt ar interjera dizainu un atklāt neparasto ikdienišķajā.

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