Bomma Soap kolekcija | Čehu stikla apgaismojums | Luminesy

Bomma Soap Kolekcija

Bomma Soap- mirdzuma maģiskā kvalitāte

Šo Bomma Soap kolekciju iedvesmojušas ziepju burbuļu raksturīgās īpašības - daudzveidīgās krāsas, caurspīdīgums un nepārtraukti mainīgās formas. Apgaismota, tās virsmas metāliskais spīdums pārvēršas par mirdzošu un caurspīdīgu, atklājot tās kristālisko raksturu. Visu Soap kolekciju ražo Bomma, izmantojot roku pūšanas tehniku bez formas. Tas nozīmē, ka katrs Soap elements ir unikālas formas.

Iepazīstieties ar visu Bomma klāstu šeit.

    SOAP SMALL - Piekaramā lampa

    €597,00 €728,00

    Bomma Soap Small Pendant Light - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Small Pendant Light was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...

    SOAP MINI - Piekaramā lampa


    Bomma Soap Mini Pendant Light - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini Pendant Light was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...

    SOAP LARGE - Piekaramā lampa

    €669,00 €806,00

    Bomma Soap Large Pendant Light - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Large Pendant Light was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...

    SOAP MINI 26 SQUARE - Lustra


    Bomma Soap Mini 26 Square Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 26 Square Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes...

    SOAP MINI 12 - Lustra


    Bomma Soap Mini 12 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 12 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...

    SOAP MINI 26 - Lustra


    Bomma Soap Mini 26 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 26 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...

    SOAP MINI 9 - Lustra


    Bomma Soap Mini 9 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 9 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...

    SOAP MINI 6 - Lustra


    Bomma Soap Mini 6 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 6 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...

    SOAP MINI 3 - Lustra


    Bomma Soap Mini 3 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 3 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...

    SOAP 10 SQUARE - Lustra

    €9.035,00 €10.398,00

    Bomma Soap 10 Square Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 10 Square Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...

    SOAP 11 - Lustra

    €9.853,00 €11.352,00

    Bomma Soap 11 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 11 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the characteristic features...

    SOAP 7 - Lustra

    €5.801,00 €6.755,00

    Bomma Soap 7 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 7 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the characteristic features...

    SOAP 5 - Lustra

    €5.142,00 €6.405,00

    Bomma Soap 5 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 5 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the characteristic features...

    SOAP 3 - Lustra

    €2.716,00 €3.811,00

    Bomma Soap 3 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 3 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the characteristic features...

    Bomma Soap Kolekcija

    Šķietami perfektam izkausēta stikla pilienam tiek piešķirta unikāla forma, kā arī unikāls krāsu spektrs. Bomma Soap kolekcijas galvenās priekšrocības ir iespēja veidot iespaidīgas kompozīcijas no lielāka skaita atsevišķu gaismas ķermeņu vai kombinēt to krāsu gammas.
    Fascinējoši, pārsteidzoši un ļoti moderni, Bomma's Soap piešķirs dzīvību un raksturu jebkura veida interjeram. Dzīvojamās istabas centrā, virs ēdamistabas galda, rakstāmgalda vai mierinošas zvaigznes guļamistabā - tas ienesīs savu eleganti futūristisko pieskārienu dažādās jūsu telpās.

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