Bomma Mussels kolekcija | Čehu stikla apgaismojums | Luminesy

Bomma Mussels kolekcija

Bomma Mussels - perfektas čaulas, kas atspoguļo kristāldzidru ūdens virsmu

Elegance, mainīgums un organiska estētika raksturo čehu zīmola Bomma jauno kolekciju Mussels. Iedomājieties dzirkstošu ūdeni, kas slēpj aizraujošas, neticami detalizētas gliemenes. Mussels lustra sastāv no kristāla gliemežvākiem, ko ieskauj gaismas avots, kas ievietots precīzā pamatnē, kas ieturēta spīdīgā antracīta vai matēta zelta tonī. Stikla gliemežvāku rotā viļņots rakstains nospiedums.

Kad lustra ir iedegta, tā rada iespaidu, ka gaisma atstarojas no ūdens virsmas. Kolekcijas Mussels iedvesmas avots ir organiskas formas, dabiskas krāsas, un dabiskā vide ir redzama jau no pirmā acu uzmetiena.

Izpētiet pilnu Bomma klāstu šeit.

    MUSSELS 26 Square - Lustra

    €12.866,00 €15.443,00

    Mussels 26 Square Chandelier by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine...

    MUSSELS 26 - Lustra

    €12.987,00 €15.565,00

    Mussels 26 Chandelier by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine sparkling...

    MUSSELS 12 - Lustra

    €5.982,00 €7.171,00

    Mussels 12 Chandelier by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine sparkling...

    MUSSELS 9 - Lustra

    €4.771,00 €5.662,00

    Mussels 9 Chandelier by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine sparkling...

    MUSSELS 6 - Lustra

    €3.202,00 €3.796,00

    Mussels 6 Chandelier by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine sparkling...

    MUSSELS 3 - Lustra

    €1.974,00 €2.273,00

    Mussels 3 Chandelier by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine sparkling...

    MUSSELS CLUSTER 18 - Piekaramā Lampa

    €7.863,00 €9.931,00

    Mussels Cluster 18 by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine sparkling...

    MUSSELS CLUSTER 12 - Piekaramā Lampa

    €5.484,00 €6.957,00

    Mussels Cluster 12 by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine sparkling...

    MUSSELS CLUSTER 6 - Piekaramā Lampa

    €3.120,00 €4.002,00

    Mussels Cluster 6 by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine sparkling...

    MUSSELS - Piekaramā Lampa

    €583,00 €682,00

    Mussels by Bomma - lamps inspired by the nature's perfect shells Elegance, variability and an organic aesthetic, describes the new Mussels collection by Czech brand Bomma. Imagine sparkling water hiding...

    Bomma Mussels kolekcija

    "Gliemežvāki, īpaši gliemenes, mani vienmēr fascinējušas ar to vienkāršo, bet izsmalcināto formu. Katra no tām ir oriģināla, bet kopā tās veido interesantas kompozīcijas. Tajās ir elegance un organiskums, kā arī nedaudz noslēpumainības." Vāclavs Mlynář, kolekcijas dizainers un Bomma radošais direktors.
    Visi Bomma izstrādājumi ir izgatavoti ar rokām no mutē pūsta kristāla, kas nesatur svinu. Tāpēc jebkuri nelieli burbulīši un nelīdzenumi stiklā ir gan pierādījums, gan raksturīga šī tradicionālā amata iezīme. the Bright star is pārstrādāta ar smilšu strūklu. Tumšā zvaigzne ir pulēta.

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