Melnas sienas lampas Page 2 | Luminesy

Melnas sienas lampas

Atklājiet mūsu melnās sienas apgaismojuma kolekcijas eleganci

Ienirstiet mūžīgā izsmalcinātības valstībā ar mūsu melno sienas gaismekļu kolekciju. Mūsu kolekcijā ir virkne melnu sienu brāļļu un gaismekļu, kas nodrošina perfektu stila, funkcionalitātes un modernitātes līdzsvaru. Šie ķermeņi ar savu gludo melno apdari kalpo kā ikoniski dizaina apliecinājumi, bez piepūles uzlabojot jebkuru telpu, ko tie rotā.

Melno sienas gaismekļu valdzinājums slēpjas to daudzpusīgumā. To drosmīgais, tumšais tonis ne tikai spilgti kontrastē ar gaišākām sienām, bet arī nevainojami iederas tumšākās paletēs, tādējādi nodrošinot, ka tie atrod vietu dažādos interjeros - no mūsdienīga līdz klasiskam. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties akcentēt gaiteni, izcelt mākslas darbus vai vienkārši piešķirt telpai noskaņas apgaismojumu, mūsu melno sienu gaismekļu kolekcijā ir viss, kas jums nepieciešams.

Mūsu atlasītajā klāstā jūs sastapsieties ar daudziem dažādiem dizainparaugiem. Eleganti, minimālisma stila brāļi, kas nodrošina mūsdienīgu akcentu, sarežģīti dizaini, kas atgādina senatnīgu eleganci, vai regulējami ķermeņi, kas nodrošina mērķtiecīgu apgaismojumu. Tos visus vieno vienojošais pavediens? To valdzinošā melnā apdare, kas garantē vizuālu iespaidu.

    SHIBUYA - Griestu / Sienas Lampa


    Experience Playful Illumination with Zero Lighting's Ceiling / Wall Light Zero Lighting presents the Shibuya Ceiling / Wall Light, an artistic expression of lighting design that infuses joy and vibrancy...

    PATHFINDER - Sienas Lampa

    €960,00 €1.125,00

    Discover the Charm of Functional Aesthetics with Zero Lighting's Pathfinder Wall Light Presenting the Pathfinder Wall Light, an artful blend of design and functionality by Zero Lighting. This sculptural lighting...

    GRID - Sienas Lampa


    Zero Lighting's Grid Wall Light: Unconventional Industrial Aesthetics with Bold Functionality Elevate your space with the Grid Wall Light from Zero Lighting. This contemporary lighting solution, featuring a unique design...

    CONVEX - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Space with the Energy-Efficient Convex Spotlight from Zero Lighting Presenting the Convex Wall Light from Zero Interior, a charming member of the beloved Convex family. This lighting fixture...

    COMPASS A-4073 - Sienas Lampa


    Compass A-4073 Wall Light by Estiluz - Navigating Design and Light with Precision The Recessed Compass Wall Light by Estiluz, a Nahtrang Studio design, is an embodiment of restrained elegance...

    COMPASS A-4072 - Sienas lampa


    Compass A-4072 Wall Light by Estiluz - Navigating Design and Light with Precision The Compass Wall Light by Estiluz, a Nahtrang Studio design, is an embodiment of restrained elegance and...

    COMPASS A-4071 - Sienas Lampa


    Compass A-4071 Wall Light by Estiluz - Navigating Design and Light with Precision The Compass Wall Light by Estiluz, a Nahtrang Studio design, is an embodiment of restrained elegance and...

    INDUSTRIAL C1693 - Sienas Lampa


    Vintage Industrial Wall Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1693 Presenting a remarkable blend of vintage aesthetics and industrial design, the Ferroluce Industrial C1693 Wall Light adds a hint of retro flair to...

    INDUSTRIAL C1621 - Sienas Lampa


    Vintage Industrial Wall Light: Ferroluce Industrial C1621 Presenting a remarkable blend of vintage aesthetics and industrial design, the Ferroluce Industrial C1621 Wall Light adds a hint of retro flair to...

    B&W C141 - Sienas Lampa


    Classic Black and White Wall Sconce: Ferroluce B&W C141 Revel in a world where classic and contemporary design elements collide. The Ferroluce B&W C141 wall sconce captures the timeless appeal...

    B&W C001 - Sienas Lampa


    Glossy Black and White Ceramic Wall Light: Ferroluce B&W C001 Exemplifying classic design elements, the Ferroluce B&W C001 Wall Light delivers a polished and sophisticated aesthetic. This fixture is characterized...

    50'S C2002 - Sienas Lampa


    50's Style Ceramic Wall Light: Ferroluce C2002 "Retro elegance" takes the spotlight with the Ferroluce 50's C2002 Wall Light. This vintage style wall sconce borrows inspiration from the classic 50's...

    MANETTI L - Sienas Lampa


    Add Retro Flair with the Eichholtz Manetti L Wall Light The Manetti L Wall Light from Eichholtz is a stunning lighting fixture that adds a touch of retro flair to...

    VALERIUS - Sienas Lampa


    Create an Elegant Ambiance with the Eichholtz Valerius Wall Lamp The Valerius Wall Lamp from Eichholtz is a stunning lighting fixture that illuminates any space with its clean and contemporary...

    RIZZI DOUBLE - Sienas Lampa


    Add a Touch of Whimsy with the Eichholtz Rizzi Double Wall Light The Rizzi Double Wall Light from Eichholtz is a playful and whimsical sconce that adds a touch of...

    SUMO - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Space with the Sleek Eichholtz Sumo Wall Ligh The Sumo Wall Lamp from Eichholtz is a sleek and elegant lighting fixture that adds a touch of modern sophistication...

    ALICE - Sienas Lampa


    Travel back to the heights of Art-Deco with the Alice Wall Light by Eichholtz Elevate your interior with the timeless charm of the Art Deco-inspired Alice Wall Light by Eichholtz....

    BOULY W/C D+B - Griestu Lampa

    €545,00 €605,00

    BOULY W/C - Griestu Lampa

    €455,00 €505,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: N 5W, D 6WI, D 6WP, D 15WP*, D 15WDA EU, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V...

    AUDY-WALL 2S DUO - Sienas Lampa

    €640,00 €715,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 10WT500, D 15WP*, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V

    AUDY-WALL 2S - Sienas Lampa

    €635,00 €750,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 10WT500, D 15WP*, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V

    AUDY-WALL 1S DUO - Sienas Lampa

    €500,00 €570,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 6WT500, D 10WT500, D 15WP*, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V

    AUDY-WALL 1S - Sienas Lampa

    €495,00 €585,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 6WT500, D 10WT500, D 15WP*, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V

    AUDETTE-W1 IN - Sienas Lampa

    €445,00 €550,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 6WT500, D 10WT500, D 15WP*, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V 3000K version available on demand....

    AUDETTE-DUO W1 IN - Sienas Lampa

    €445,00 €485,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 6WT500, D 10WT500, D 15WP*, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V 3000K version available on demand....


    €785,00 €895,00

    Made using sophisticated techniques such as 3D printing, high-quality LED and massive materials, the Aude-Wall L Plug Honeycomb is the newest addition to the Aude collection of Trizo21. All these...

    AUDE-WALL L PLUG - Sienas Lampa

    €775,00 €880,00

    Made using sophisticated techniques such as 3D printing, high-quality LED and massive materials, the Aude-Wall L Plug is the newest addition to the Aude collection of Trizo21. All these characteristics...

    AUDE-WALL L HONEYCOMB - Sienas Lampa

    €680,00 €785,00

    Made using sophisticated techniques such as 3D printing, high-quality LED and massive materials, the Aude-Wall L Honeycomb is the newest addition to the Aude collection of Trizo21. All these characteristics...

    AUDE-WALL L - Sienas Lampa

    €665,00 €775,00

    Made using sophisticated techniques such as 3D printing, high-quality LED and massive materials, the Aude-Wall L is the newest addition to the Aude collection of Trizo21. All these characteristics make...

    ADRION LG - Sienas lampa

    €489,00 €612,00

    Schwung home Adrion LG Wall light - Exuding calm glamour Elevate your home's atmosphere with the timeless and demure Schwung Adrion LG Wall Light. This mesmerising wall lamp features a...

    ADRION MD - Sienas lampa

    €455,00 €570,00

    Schwung Adrion MD Wall Light - Exuding calm glamour Elevate your home's atmosphere with the timeless and demure Schwung Adrion MD Wall Light. This mesmerising wall lamp features a globe-shaped...

    ADRION SM - Sienas lampa

    €408,00 €510,00

    Schwung home Adrion SM Wall light - Exuding calm glamour Elevate your home's atmosphere with the timeless and demure Schwung Adrion SM Wall Light. This mesmerising wall lamp features a...

    PULSAR- Sienas lampa

    €455,00 €676,00

    Schwung Home PULSAR Wall light - Sleek and timeless. Elevate the ambiance of your home with the radiant and illustrious Pulsar wall lamp by Schwung. Featuring a mesmerising spherical shade...

    SUNSET - Sienas lampa

    €651,00 €812,00

    Schwung home Sunset Wall light - Exuding calm glamour Elevate the atmosphere of your interior space with the effortlessly stunning Sunset Wall Sconce by Schwung. This sophisticated lighting fixture features...

    STICK - Sienas Lampa


    101 Copenhagen Stick Wall Light - When all you need is light. Sleek and functional lamp, a part of the new 101 line-up. Perfect for illuminating hallways, illuminating or highlighting...

    ARIGATO LONG - Sienas Lampa


    Grupa Arigato Long Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude...

    ARIGATO - Sienas Lampa

    €410,00 €850,00

    Grupa Arigato Wall Lamp - a striking fixture combining Scandinavian minimalism with the Industrial look A statement behind Grupa's Arigato collection is to materialise a human gesture of gratitude through...

    Tom Rossau TR5 - Sienas Lampa

    €640,00 €820,00

    TR5 from Tom Rossau - the flowing lamp Designed by the famous danish lighting designer Tom Rossau, the TR5 wall lamp appears exceptionally dashing in its stacked wood veneer strips....

    MOLECULE SPARK - Sienas/Griestu Lampa

    €1.980,00 €1.683,00

    Schwung home Molecule Spark Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Molecule Spark sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected...

    ARMSTRONG - Sienas lampa

    €2.743,00 €4.233,00

    Schwung home Armstrong Wall light - where classic meets the contemporary The Armstrong sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with clear...

    Melnas sienas lampas

    Ikviens mūsu melnās sienas apgaismojuma kolekcijas melnās sienas lampas elements ir veidots, ievērojot nemainīgu apņemšanos nodrošināt kvalitāti, un tas ir izturīgs, stilīgs un ar nepārspējamu veiktspēju. Meistarīga meistarība nodrošina, ka katrs melnais sienas gaismeklis ne tikai priecē estētiku, bet arī ir uzticamības bāka.

    Atklājiet mūsu melno sienas gaismekļu kolekcijas pārveidojošo spēku. Iegremdējiet savu telpu dziļā elegancē, ko spēj sniegt tikai melni sienas gaismekļi, un ļaujiet katram gaismeklim kļūt par jūsu nevainojamās gaumes apliecinājumu. Izbaudiet noir apgaismojuma burvību.

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