Melnas Spotlampas | Luminesy

Melnas Spotlampas

Izgaismojiet ar precizitāti: Mūsu melno spotlampu kolekcijas elegance

Laipni lūgti mūsu melno spotlampu kolekcijā, kurā melnās krāsas dziļums sasaucas ar spotlampu dizaina aso fokusu. Šīs spotlampas, kas iemieso neuzkrītošu izsmalcinātību, ir domāti tiem, kuri vēlas precīzu apgaismojumu, kas ieturēts melnās krāsas mūžīgajā pievilcībā.

Spotlampas ir slavenas ar savu spēju raidīt fokusētus starus, pievēršot uzmanību konkrētām iezīmēm vai objektiem. Melnā krāsā šo funkcionalitāti papildina mūsdienīgums un elegance. Melnā krāsa ar savu universālo pievilcību darbojas kā smalks fons, ļaujot izgaismotajiem objektiem patiesi izcelties, vienlaikus nodrošinot izsmalcinātu vizuālo estētiku.

Iepazīstieties ar mūsu ar rokām atlasīto kolekciju un atklājiet dažādus dizainus, kas pielāgoti dažādām gaumēm. No minimālistiskiem, mūsdienīgiem gaismekļiem, kas atbilst mūsdienu dizaina izjūtām, līdz sarežģītākiem dizainiem ar smalkiem detaļu elementiem, vienojošais faktors joprojām ir klasiskais melnais tonis. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai vēlaties izcelt kādu mākslas darbu, izcelt kādu dizaina elementu vai vienkārši uzlabot telpas atmosfēru, mūsu kolekcija garantē melnas spotlampas, kas atbilst jūsu iecerēm.

    CONVEX - Spotlampa


    Illuminate Your Space with the Energy-Efficient Convex Spotlight from Zero Lighting Introducing the Convex Spotlight from Zero Interior, the latest addition to the Convex family. This lighting fixture, renowned for...



    Elevate Your Ambiance with the Vesoi Incasso Tretrezero Spotlight Introduce precise accent lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Tretrezero Spotlight, a high-performance recessed fixture designed to emphasize your space with style....



    Sleek and Efficient Vesoi Incasso Treottozero Spotlight for Modern Spaces Upgrade your lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Treottozero Spotlight, a contemporary recessed spotlight designed to add a touch of elegance...



    Precision Lighting with the Stylish Vesoi Incasso Trenovezero Spotlight Transform your space with the Vesoi Incasso Trenovezero Spotlight, an innovative recessed spotlight offering precision accent lighting. Made from durable aluminum...

    CATO RECESSED - Spotlampa


    Experience Minimalist Elegance with the Cato Recessed Spotlight from Belid Inspired by Scandinavian heritage, the Cato Recessed Spotlight from Belid offers a minimalist design with exceptional quality. Crafted with precision...

    BILY 16-UP OUT - Griestu Lampa

    €655,00 €670,00

    AUDY-2 UP - Griestu Lampa

    €710,00 €1.015,00

    7TY-UP - Griestu Spotlampa

    €350,00 €360,00

    SPOTON 3 CIRCLE - Griestu / Sienas Lampa

    €105,00 €135,00

    Introducing the SpotOn 3 Circle, the latest innovation from ANTIDARK's lighting collection. This elegant and contemporary ceiling/wall spotlight is designed to add a touch of sophistication and style to any...

    EASY LENS DOUBLE - Griestu Lampa


    Introducing the Easy Lens Double, the next level of lighting innovation from ANTIDARK. This version features two light sources, providing even more flexibility and control over your lighting design. With...

    EASY LENS - Spotlampa


    Introducing the Easy Lens, the latest addition to ANTIDARK's innovative lighting solutions. This powerful and versatile spotlight is designed to meet all your lighting needs. Its sleek and modern design...

    A BLOC TWO - Griestu Lampa


    Antidark A BLOCK TWO Ceiling Light - Built for function The A BLOC TWO from ANTIDARK offers a bold and industrial aesthetic with its rugged yet refined design. This spotlight...

    CATO SLIM ROUND 5 - Spotlampa


    The creation of Cato Slim round 5 is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim round 5 brings the...

    PIN-UP 2 - Griestu Spotlampa

    €540,00 €685,00

    Thanks to the combination of curves and especially to the gracious rotating support bracket this model is an example of pure and elegant design. The lamps can be oriented in...

    MINI-PI 2 UP - Griestu Spotlampa


    Thanks to the compact size of LED Trizo21 was able to develop a smaller version of the Pin-In and Pin-up series. This results in a very compact but decorative LED-spotlight....

    CONVEX - Sienas Lampa


    Illuminate Your Space with the Energy-Efficient Convex Spotlight from Zero Lighting Presenting the Convex Wall Light from Zero Interior, a charming member of the beloved Convex family. This lighting fixture...

    COMPASS A-4073 - Sienas Lampa


    Compass A-4073 Wall Light by Estiluz - Navigating Design and Light with Precision The Recessed Compass Wall Light by Estiluz, a Nahtrang Studio design, is an embodiment of restrained elegance...

    COMPASS A-4070 - Sienas Lampa


    Compass A-4070 Wall Light by Estiluz - Navigating Design and Light with Precision The Compass Wall Light by Estiluz, a Nahtrang Studio design, is an embodiment of restrained elegance and...



    Transform Your Space with the Vesoi Incasso Trequattrozero Spotlight Create stunning accent lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Trequattrozero Spotlight, a sleek and versatile recessed luminaire that enhances your home or...



    Illuminate Precisely with the Versatile Vesoi Incasso Trecinquezero Spotlight Upgrade your lighting with the Vesoi Incasso Trecinquezero Spotlight, a high-efficiency recessed spotlight perfect for accentuating any space. Crafted from durable...

    ILED - Spotlampa


    Elevate Your Space with the Sleek Vesoi ILED Spotlight Introduce sleek sophistication to your interiors with the Vesoi ILED Spotlight, an aluminum spotlight that embodies minimalism and innovation. This daring...

    BILY 16-UP - Griestu Lampa

    €600,00 €610,00

    BILY 16 IN - Griestu Lampa

    €485,00 €505,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: N 12W**, D 18WT, D 15WP*, D 15WDA EU, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V

    AUDY-1 UP - Griestu Lampa

    €400,00 €585,00

    AUDETTE-IN - Griestu Lampa

    €370,00 €490,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 6WT, D 18WT, D 15WP*, D 15WDA EU, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V Concrete Ceiling...

    AUDETTE-DUO IN - Griestu Lampa

    €370,00 €415,00

    Please note that driver is not included and has to be bought separately.Compatible Drivers: D 6WT, D 18WT, D 15WP*, D 15WDA EU, D 15WDA US*, D 40WDP**110V-230V Concrete Ceiling...

    MITOS - Spotlampa


    Highlight Your Architecture with the Versatile Mitos Spotlight from KDLN Inspired by the myth of Ariadne and Theseus, the Mitos Spotlight from KDLN brings a touch of eclectic charm to...

    A BLOC ONE - Griestu Lampa


    Antidark A BLOCK ONE Ceiling Light - Practical and sleek Introducing the A BLOC ONE, the newest addition to ANTIDARK's lineup of stunning spotlights. Boasting a sleek and minimalistic design,...

    LOLA RECESSED - Piekaramā Lampa

    €325,00 €425,00

    The Lola spotlamp by Panzeri is synonym of versatility: one design, multiple applications, to offer personalized and flexible lighting solution, ideal for every interior design need. It can be used...

    LOLA BASE - Spotlampa

    €325,00 €420,00

    The Lola spotlamp by Panzeri is synonym of versatility: one design, multiple applications, to offer personalized and flexible lighting solution, ideal for every interior design need. It can be used...

    CARL2 - Spotlampa

    €810,00 €1.055,00

    The Carl is a family of lighting fittings by Panzeri to install in the ceiling with a recessed canopy, for versatile applications that create geometries of light and volumes in...

    CARL 5.3 - Spotlampa

    €345,00 €455,00

    The Carl is a family of lighting fittings by Panzeri to install in the ceiling with a recessed canopy, for versatile applications that create geometries of light and volumes in...

    CARL 3.6 - Spotlampa

    €275,00 €360,00

    The Carl is a family of lighting fittings by Panzeri to install in the ceiling with a recessed canopy, for versatile applications that create geometries of light and volumes in...

    CATO SLIM ROUND 3 - Spotlampa


    The creation of Cato Slim round 3 is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim round 3 brings the...

    CATO SLIM TRACK 5 - Spotlampa


    The creation of Cato Slim track 3 is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim track 3 brings the...

    CATO SLIM TRACK 5 - Spotlampa


    The creation of Cato Slim track 5 is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim track 5 brings the...

    2THIRTY CV2 - Griestu Lampa


    The ‘2Thirty’ by Trizo21 is a design with a nod to the 1970s, with the technology of the future. Non honeycomb version available on demand.

    Melnas Spotlampas

    Papildus vizuālajam valdzinājumam melno spotlampu kolekcijā ir uzsvērta ilgmūžība un veiktspēja. Katra spotlampa ir rūpīgi izgatavota, lai nodrošinātu vienmērīgu un spēcīgu staru kūli, savukārt melnā apdare nodrošina izturību un noturību pret nolietojumu.

    Ienirstiet mūsu melno spotlampu kolekcijas pasaulē. Paaugstiniet savu interjeru ar gaismekļiem, kas ne tikai precīzi izgaismos spotlampas, bet arī piešķirs mūsdienīgu eleganci. Izmantojiet koncentrēta apgaismojuma spēku, ko pastiprina klasiskā melnā elegance. Ļaujiet katram izceltam elementam izcelties ar stilu un precizitāti.

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