Nakts lampas | Luminesy

Nakts lampas

Apburiet savu telpu ar mūsu nakts lampu kolekciju

Iepazīstinām ar mūsu rūpīgi izstrādāto nakts lampu kolekciju, kas ir harmonisks formas, funkcionalitātes un izsmalcinātības apvienojums. Šīs lampas ir kas vairāk nekā tikai gaismas avoti; tās ir būtiski palīgi, kas piešķir jūsu nakts patvērumam atmosfēru, stilu un siltumu.

Naktslampām ir izšķiroša nozīme guļamistabas noskaņas noteikšanā. Tās pārveido jūsu telpas intīmos stūrīšus, piedāvājot maigu, maigu mirdzumu, kas rada aicinošu atmosfēru, ideāli piemērotu atpūtai, lasīšanai vai vienkārši pārdomām. Mūsu kolekcija atspoguļo šo būtību, piedāvājot lampas, kas ne tikai nodrošina nepieciešamo apgaismojumu, bet arī kalpo kā izsmalcināti dekori.

Atklājiet mūsu kolekcijas dizaina pasauli, kas atbilst neskaitāmām estētiskām vēlmēm. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai jūs piesaista ģeometrisko formu un minimālisma apdari, kas valdzina mūsdienīgi, vai arī senatnes iedvesmoti dizaini ar sarežģītām detaļām, mūsu klāstā atradīsiet lampu, kas atbilst jūsu stilam. Katrs gabals ir ne tikai funkcionāls piederums, bet arī izteikums, mākslas darbs, kas papildina jūsu interjeru un atspoguļo jūsu personīgo stilu.

    ODYSSEY SM - Sienas lampa

    €413,00 €516,00

    Schwung Odyssey SM Wall Light - where classic meets the contemporary The Odyssey SM sconce by Schwung Home is a modern wall light handmade from polished, patinated brass protected with...

    FIREFLY IN THE SKY - Galda Lampa

    €500,00 €640,00

    Panzeri FIREFLY IN THE SKY Table Light - Minimalistic outdoor lamp Panzeri FIREFLY IN THE SKY is an IP65 outdoor battery table and peg lamp. The removable head contains magnetic...

    HILOW LINE 150 - Sienas Lampa

    €555,00 €730,00

    Panzeri Hilow Line 150 Wall Light - A sleek, fitting lamp. From the success of Panzeri's Hilow, the new Panzeri Hilow Line 150 Wall Light represents the founding principle of...

    ORBIT - Sienas Lampa


    LZF Orbit Wall Light, THE THOUGHTFUL LIGHT With its thoughtful air, the ovalesque LZF Orbit Wall Light will decorate any wall with quiet self-assurance. Created by Spanish designer Miguel Herranz,...

    QUASAR - Galda Lampa


    The Petite Friture Quasar Table lamp is a portable, small table lamp that can also be hanged, it has a rugged design reminiscent of hiking gear.

    CATO SINGLE FLEX - Sienas Lampa


    The creation of Cato Slim flex is inspired from our Scandinavian heritage. The design is minimalistic and the materials are of highest quality. Cato Slim flex brings the light from...

    MEI A - Sienas Lampa

    €350,00 €400,00

    Carpyen Mei A Wall Light - A modern porcelain twist on the traditional Asian lantern Soft & magical, Carpyen Mei A Wall Light takes us on a dreamy journey to...

    SCREEN - Sienas Lampa


    The Market Set Screen wall light floats like a mobile.‎ Light and material effect.‎ These vintage looking screens will suit any decorative style.‎ Chic and natural, caning is everywhere.‎ It...

    EOS MINI - Galda Lampa

    €198,00 €218,00

    Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp - A unique feather cloud light The Umage EOS MINI Table Lamp draws its force and mesmerizing beauty from the earth tones of the Nordic...

    DOT 120 - Spotlampa

    €140,00 €185,00

    With a simple, elegant circular form, the Dot is a beautiful wall decoration, ambient light source and direct task light all in one. Made up of two layered circles, the...

    NEOTENIC SMALL - Galda Lampa


    The Petite Friture Neotenic Small Table Lamp is a sleek and simple light that resembles an abstract, but inoffensive sculptural object.

    SCREEN 2L - Sienas Lampa


    The Screen 2L wall light from Market Set floats like a mobile.‎ Light and material effect.‎ These vintage looking screens will suit any decorative style.‎ Chic and natural, caning is...

    CIRC - Sienas Lampa

    €386,00 €438,00

    The CIRC A-3722 Wall Light by Estiluz, uniqueness in simplicity. Sconce globes can be encircled with a slender metal ring or balanced on a metal bar. Indoor uses include hallways...

    CANUT A-3571 - Sienas Lampa

    €537,00 €584,00

    The CANUT A-3571 - Wall Light from Estiluz, Streamlined to perfection. Two independently adjustable reading lights mounted horizontally allows one to read without disturbing the rest of a sleeping partner....

    CANUT A-3570 - Sienas Lampa

    €416,00 €429,00

    Two independently adjustable reading lights mounted horizontally allows one to read without disturbing the rest of a sleeping partner.

    JACKIE - Galda Lampa

    €485,00 €550,00

    Panzeri Jackie Table Light - A simply modern light A showpiece by Panzeri: the LED table lamp with a robust base in the famous Panzeri collection is an ideal lighting...

    RIPLEY - Floor Lamp


    Ripley Floor Lamp by Globen – Modern Elegance with a Playful Twist The Ripley Floor Lamp from Globen is a sophisticated and lively lighting solution designed to complement and elevate...

    STUDY - Galda Lampa

    €150,00 €105,00

    WOUD Study Table Lamp: Illuminate with Elegance and Simplicity The WOUD Study Table Lamp embodies the essence of functional charm, presenting a soft and direct illumination that's perfect for workspaces,...

    CONO - Galda Lampa

    €330,00 €390,00

    WOUD Cono Table Lamp: Benny Frandsen's Classical Vision Reimagined The WOUD Cono Table Lamp celebrates the iconic work of Benny Frandsen, bringing classical geometry into the modern era with its...

    STUDY - Galda Lampa

    €150,00 €105,00

    WOUD Study Table Lamp: Illuminate with Elegance and Simplicity The WOUD Study Table Lamp embodies the essence of functional charm, presenting a soft and direct illumination that's perfect for workspaces,...

    IGRAM - Stāvlampa


    Grupa Igram Floor Lamp - An interplay of ambiance and function Igram, meaning “playing” in Croatian, is the word that best describes the process of creating this unique collection. Silent...

    BOW - Stāvlampa


    101 Copenhagen's Bow Floor Lamp: A Harmonious Blend of Form and Light Echoing the graceful curves of a bow, 101 Copenhagen's Bow Floor Lamp masterfully fuses LED technology with artistic...

    BRUNETTI - Galda Lampa


    Concentrated Art Deco - The Brunetti Table Lamp from Eichholtz Introducing the Brunetti Table Light from Eichholtz, a striking and unique lamp for your home. This exceptional table lamp showcases...

    MELIA - Galda Lampa


    Add a Unique Touch with the Eichholtz Cinco Table Lamp The Melia Table Lamp from Eichholtz is a unique and stylish lighting fixture that forms a link between your space...

    CHÂTEL - Galda Lampa


    Add Sophisticated Elegance with the Eichholtz Châtel Table Light The Châtel Table Light from Eichholtz is a stunning lamp that adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to any room....

    BARON - Galda Lampa


    Add Sculptural Elegance with the Eichholtz Baron Table Lamp The Baron Table Lamp from Eichholtz is a stunning lighting fixture that adds a touch of sculptural elegance to any space....

    D'ANCONA - Galda Lampa


    Abstract and Practical - The D'Ancona Table Lamp from Eichholtz Introducing the D'Ancona Table Light from Eichholtz, a striking and unique lamp for your home. This exceptional table lamp showcases...

    LORENZA - Galda Lampa


    Add Sophisticated Elegance with the Eichholtz Lorenza Table Light The Lorenza Table Light from Eichholtz is a stunning lighting fixture that adds a touch of sophisticated elegance to any space....

    SCARLETTE - Galda Lampa


    Add a Unique Touch with the Eichholtz Scarlette Table Lamp The Scarlette Table Light from Eichholtz is a unique and stylish lamp that adds a touch of sophistication to your...

    ZERENO - Galda Lampa


    Make a Statement with the Eichholtz Zereno Table Lamp The Zereno Table Light from Eichholtz is a stunning lamp that resembles a trophy and adds a touch of victory and...

    CINCO - Galda Lampa


    Add a Unique Touch with the Eichholtz Cinco Table Lamp The Cinco Table Lamp from Eichholtz is a unique and stylish lighting fixture that adds a touch of sophistication to...

    MABEL - Galda Lampa

    €1.000,00 €1.875,00

    Elevate Your Decor with the Eichholtz Mabel Table Lamp The Mabel Table Lamp from Eichholtz is a stunning and sophisticated lighting fixture that elevates your decor with its unique design....

    BONNY - Galda Lampa

    €1.525,00 €1.650,00

    Elevate Your Decor with the Eichholtz Bonny Table Lamp The Bonny Table Lamp from Eichholtz is a stunning and elegant lighting fixture that elevates your decor with its unique design....

    CAVO - Galda Lampa


    Add Timeless Elegance to Your Space with the Eichholtz Cavo Table Lamp The Cavo Table Lamp from Eichholtz is a stunning light that adds a touch of timeless elegance to...

    THE ROCK - Galda Lampa


    Natural Silhouettes - The Rock Table Lamp from Eichholtz Introducing the Rock Table Lamp from Eichholtz, a striking and unique lighting solution for your home. This exceptional table lamp showcases...

    VIGGO - Galda Lampa


    Add an accent to Your Space with the Viggo Table Lamp from Eichholtz The Viggo Table Lamp from Eichholtz is an eye-catching statement piece that will bring a unique touch...

    LEVY - Galda Lampa


    Elegant Harmony: The Levy Table Lamp by Eichholtz Introducing the Levy Table Lamp by Eichholtz, a perfect blend of sophisticated design and quality materials. This stylish table lamp features a...

    CHINESE BLUE - Galda Lampa


    Embrace Oriental Elegance with the Chinese Blue Table Lamp by Eichholtz Introduce a touch of traditional oriental charm to your home with the captivating Chinese Blue Table Lamp from Eichholtz....

    MUNDON - Galda Lampa


    Introduce Timeless Elegance with the Mundon Table Lamp by Eichholtz Infuse your space with a harmonious blend of classic and contemporary style with the beautiful Mundon Table Lamp by Eichholtz....

    PALMARITO - Galda Lampa


    Embellish Your Space with the Charming Palmarito Table Lamp by Eichholtz Introduce an elegant touch to your décor with the delightful Palmarito Table Lamp from Eichholtz. This exquisite lamp features...

    Nakts lampas

    Mūsu nakts lampu kolekcijas pamatā ir kvalitāte. Katra lampa ir rūpīgi izstrādāta, lai nodrošinātu, ka tā iztur laika pārbaudi gan stila, gan izturības ziņā. Katra izstrādājuma meistarība sola uzticamību, nodrošinot, ka šīs lampas būs jūsu mīļākie nakts pavadoņi gadiem ilgi.

    Iepazīstieties ar mūsu nakts lampu kolekciju un atklājiet perfektu gaismekli savai atpūtas vietai. Izveidosim no jauna to, kā jūs pārdzīvojat naktis, vienu lampu pēc otras.

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