Piegādes Informācija | Luminesy

Piegādes Informācija

Exceptions may apply for deliveries to islands and outside continental Europe.

Kāds ir aptuvenais piegādes laiks?

Precēm, kuras ir noliktavā 1-7 dienas, precēm kuras nav: 5-60 dienas.
We will be pleased to inform you about the delivery time of your desired article on request, Just send us a an email at info@luminesy.com.

Please note that the information given here is always an estimated delivery time, which is communicated to us by the manufacturers. Delivery delays or faster deliveries are possible. In case of delivery delays we will inform you as soon as possible.

What are the delivery costs?

Delivery Within the EU:

 0-99.99 EUR orders:  13.99 EUR
 100-199.99 EUR orders:  17.99 EUR
 200-299.99 EUR orders:  23.99 EUR
 300-349.99 EUR orders:  27.99 EUR
 350+ EUR orders:  Free
Delivery to United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, Russia:
All orders: 59 EUR (taxes included)

Delivery to Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, United States, Hong Kong:
All orders: 99 EUR (taxes not included)

Is your country not on the list?
For more info please contact info@luminesy.com

Disclaimer: Should the actual shipping costs differ greatly from this guideline we reserve the right to cancel your order and send you a new offer with adapted shipping costs. This is the case with bulky and large goods.

I Might not be home during delivery.

You also have the possibility to leave a short note during the ordering process, at which time a delivery is not possible. We will then gladly take this into account.

Are taxes and duties included?

Shopping within the European Union is Tax free.
We also offer tax free delivery to customers in the UK, Switzerland and Norway.
For other countries international taxes might be applied depending on your country's tax policy.

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