Market Set Screen - Bring warmth to your space with this French lighting collection Discover the Screen collection from the French lighting design house Market Set. This elegant design pendant...
Market Set SCREEN XXL Pendant Light - Bring warmth to your space with this French lighting collection The Market Set SCREEN XXL Pendant Light brings a modern and classic charm...
Market Set Screen 70's Pendant Light - relive the graphic 1970's with this updated French lighting collection Discover the Screen 70's collection from the French lighting design house Market Set....
The Market Set Screen wall light floats like a mobile. Light and material effect. These vintage looking screens will suit any decorative style. Chic and natural, caning is everywhere. It...
Market Set Screen 70's XXL - relive the graphic 1970's with this updated French lighting collection Discover the Screen 70's collection from the French lighting design house Market Set. This...
The Screen 2L wall light from Market Set floats like a mobile. Light and material effect. These vintage looking screens will suit any decorative style. Chic and natural, caning is...
Market Set Screen 70's XXL - relive the graphic 1970's with this updated French lighting collection Discover the Screen 70's collection from the French lighting design house Market Set. This...
The Screen floor lamp from Market Set brings a modern and classic charm to your home, whether illuminating the living room or bringing warmth to a bedroom. Market Set's Screen...
MARKET SET® rada savas apgaismojuma kolekcijas, izmantojot savus pamatprincipus un franču zinātību. Tās jauno dizaineru komanda ik pēc sešiem mēnešiem rada jaunas kolekcijas, iedvesmojoties no minimālisma tendencēm. Market Set® apgaismes produktu grafiskās līnijas rada mūsdienīgu šiku un izceļ dažādu materiālu darbu. Rūpējoties par nākotni un vidi, MARKET SET® ir parakstījis savu pirmo sadarbības līgumu ar gobelēnu dizaineri Soniju LAUDET (Sonia LAUDET), kura savos darbos izrāda interesi par tekstilmateriāliem. Šī kolekcija ir daļa no "SLOW LIFE" pieejas. Projekta centrā ir audumu atgūšana un veicināšana. Poētisks un izsmalcināts rezultāts. Market Set apgaismojuma kolekcija SCREEN spēlējas ar ekrāniem, gaismu un dažādiem materiāliem. Lielā vintage atgriešanās no jauna.