Japandi stila apgaismojums Page 9 | Luminesy

Japandi stila apgaismojums

Japandi apgaismojums: Eleganta vienkāršība katrai telpai

Japandi stils ir harmonisks japāņu un skandināvu dizaina principu apvienojums, kas apvieno abu estētiku vienkāršību, minimālismu un funkcionalitāti. Šī dizaina filozofija ietver dabiskus materiālus, neitrālas krāsu paletes un tīras līnijas, lai radītu pievilcīgas, mierīgas telpas, kurās prioritāte ir komforts un sapratne. Japandi interjeros uzsvars tiek likts uz nepilnību un meistarības skaistumu, radot līdzsvarotu un siltu atmosfēru, kurā apvienojas japāņu dzeņisma elegance un skandināvu dzīvesveida mājīgais higge.

Neatkarīgi no tā, vai meklējat gaisīgu piekariņu, glītu galda lampu vai skulpturālu stāvlampu, mūsu japandi apgaismojuma kolekcija piedāvā dažādus variantus, kas atbilst jūsu vajadzībām.

    AWA S - Piekaramā Lampa


    The Awa Series is inspired by the image of glass blowing itself. Awa literally means bubble in Japanese and describes the soft volume of the glass body in contrast to...

    ICONIC - Grīdas Lampa


    Reference : 821F-01 Dimmable LED floor lamp adjustable. Aluminium shade with polycarbonat diffuser. Dimmable LED. Foot dimmer included. Design Olivier Desbordes.

    FLEX - Grīdas Stāvlampa


    Reference : 817F LED floor lamp in carbon and marble. Dimmable LED with foot dimmer included. Adjustable lenght and height. Design Olivier Desbordes.

    FLEX - Sienas Lampa


    Reference : 817A Flex LED wall lamp. Adjustable flexible carbon tube. Dimmable LED with foot dimmer included. Design Olivier Desbordes.

    VOLUM - Piekaramā Lampa


    Pirum, Secundum and Volum: Three lamps that stand for naturally warm light. All three lights are constructed by the same principles and yet every lamp stands out with its own...

    SECUNDOM - Piekaramā Lampa


    Pirum, Secundum and Volum: Three lamps that stand for naturally warm light. All three lights are constructed by the same principles and yet every lamp stands out with its own...

    PIRUM - Piekaramā Lampa


    Pirum, Secundum and Volum: Three lamps that stand for naturally warm light. All three lights are constructed by the same principles and yet every lamp stands out with its own...

    ZAPPY BIG PINE - Piekaramā Lampa


    Zappy stands out with its soft and inviting glow. The carefully handmade lamp of ash or oak veneer illuminates any indoor space with sublime light quality. With its delicate wooden...

    ZAPPY - Piekaramā Lampa


    Zappy stands out with its soft and inviting glow. The carefully handmade lamp of ash or oak veneer illuminates any indoor space with sublime light quality. With its delicate wooden...

    ZAPPY SMALL - Piekaramā Lampa


    Zappy stands out with its soft and inviting glow. The carefully handmade lamp of ash or oak veneer illuminates any indoor space with sublime light quality. With its delicate wooden...

    EIKON SHELL - Piekaramā Lampa

    €429,00 €479,00

    With a minimalist expression and a vivid use of color, the Eikon lighting merges timelessness and the contemporary. The modular series offers a free choice of shape, color and material...

    EIKON CIRCUS - Piekaramā Lampa

    €409,00 €459,00

    With a minimalist expression and a vivid use of color, the Eikon lighting merges timelessness and the contemporary. The modular series offers a free choice of shape, color and material...

    FIGURA CONE - Piekaramā Lampa


    Figura - A melodious name that refers to the special shape of the lighting. Designed with a view to consistency, Figura conveys a sense of harmony and simple, timeless elegance....

    FIGURA ARC - Piekaramā Lampa


    Figura - A melodious name that refers to the special shape of the lighting. Designed with a view to consistency, Figura conveys a sense of harmony and simple, timeless elegance....

    FIGURA STREAM - Piekaramā Lampa


    Figura - A melodious name that refers to the special shape of the lighting. Designed with a view to consistency, Figura conveys a sense of harmony and simple, timeless elegance....

    PROPLAMP FLOOR L - Grīdas Lampa


    The floor lamp is an luminous “prop” on wooden legs, an elegant and stylish eye-catcher in any interior. Its three slim legs provide stability and a “floating cloud” experience. During...

    PROPLAMP FLOOR M - Grīdas Lampa


    The floor lamp is an luminous “prop” on wooden legs, an elegant and stylish eye-catcher in any interior. Its three slim legs provide stability and a “floating cloud” experience. During...

    PROPLAMP PENDANT L (120 cm) - Piekaramā Lampa


    This pendant lamp got his name from the dutch word for "ball of paper", which is "prop". The paper used for the lamp is a biodegradable, non-woven plastic that you...

    PROPLAMP FLOOR S - Grīdas Lampa


    The floor lamp is an luminous “prop” on wooden legs, an elegant and stylish eye-catcher in any interior. Its three slim legs provide stability and a “floating cloud” experience. During...

    PROPLAMP PENDANT XL (150 cm) - Piekaramā Lampa


    This pendant lamp got his name from the dutch word for "ball of paper", which is "prop". The paper used for the lamp is a biodegradable, non-woven plastic that you...

    PROPLAMP PENDANT M (90 cm) - Piekaramā Lampa


    This pendant lamp got his name from the dutch word for "ball of paper", which is "prop". The paper used for the lamp is a biodegradable, non-woven plastic that you...

    PROPLAMP PENDANT S (60 cm) - Piekaramā Lampa


    This pendant lamp got his name from the dutch word for "ball of paper", which is "prop". The paper used for the lamp is a biodegradable, non-woven plastic that you...

    UNSEEN J - Piekaramā Lampa


    Made in France. Explore the full Unseen collection here.

    UNSEEN U - Piekaramā Lampa


    Made in France. Explore the full Unseen collection here.

    VERTIGO NOVA - Grīdas Lampa


    Petite Friture Vertigo Nova - an update to a lighting icon Petite Friture and Constance Guisset, an inseparable duo with lofty ambitions, have started a new chapter of the Vertigo...

    UNSEEN 5 - Piekaramā Lampa


    To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...

    UNSEEN 3 - Piekaramā Lampa


    To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...

    UNSEEN - Sienas Lampa


    To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...

    UNSEEN LARGE - Galda Lampa


    To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...

    UNSEEN SMALL - Galda Lampa


    To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Petite Friture initiates a new collaboration with the talented duo of female designers from Milan Studio Pepe. "We want to preserve the idea that light...

    VERTIGO NOVA - Sienas Lampa


    Petite Friture Vertigo Nova - an update to a lighting icon Petite Friture and Constance Guisset, an inseparable duo with lofty ambitions, have started a new chapter of the Vertigo...

    VERTIGO NOVA MEDIUM - Piekaramā Lampa


    Petite Friture Vertigo Nova Medium Pendant Light - an update to a lighting icon Petite Friture and Constance Guisset, an inseparable duo with lofty ambitions, have started a new chapter...

    VERTIGO NOVA SMALL - Piekaramā Lampa


    Petite Friture Vertigo Nova Small Pendant Light - an update to a lighting icon Petite Friture and Constance Guisset, an inseparable duo with lofty ambitions, have started a new chapter...

    CHERRY SMALL - Piekaramā Lampa


    The Australian duo designers Daniel & Emma signed CHERRY, a simple and minimalist pendant light, an aluminum cone with a bottomed sphere. They manage to create a subtle light, increased...

    OÏPHORIQUE P GR - Stāvlampa

    €6.388,00 €6.625,00

    Parachilna Oïphorique P GR Floor Lamp displays an elegant textile diffuser. After turning on the light you awaken its soul, it all starts moving in a hypnotising motion. Handcrafted with...

    OÏPHORIQUE P PE - Stāvlampa

    €5.753,00 €6.145,00

    Parachilna Oïphorique P PE Floor Lamp displays an elegant textile diffuser. After turning on the light you awaken its soul, it all starts moving in a hypnotising motion. Handcrafted with...

    OÏPHORIQUE T PE - Griestu Lampa

    €5.590,00 €5.975,00

    Parachilna Oïphorique T PE Ceiling Light displays an elegant textile diffuser. After turning on the light you awaken its soul, it all starts moving in a hypnotising motion. Handcrafted with...

    OÏPHORIQUE T GR - Griestu Lampa

    €6.440,00 €6.552,00

    Parachilna Oïphorique T GR Ceiling Light displays an elegant textile diffuser. After turning on the light you awaken its soul, it all starts moving in a hypnotising motion. Handcrafted with...

    PETRA M GR - Galda lampa

    €2.675,00 €2.407,00

    Parachilna's Petra table lamp designed by Jordi Veciana has a cylindrical base, a conical shade both made from a single piece of alabaster. Pure utility, pure material, simply beautiful. The...

    MA-ROCK M - Galda lampa

    €1.754,00 €1.955,00

    Jaime Hayon was commissioned by Parachilna to capture Morocco’s colourful landscapes, silent deserts & characteristic flavours. That is how the Ma-Rock was born. Ma-Rock T ME by Parachilna is a...

    Japandi stila apgaismojums

    Japandi stils ir izsmalcināta dizaina tendence, kas meistarīgi apvieno labāko no japāņu un skandināvu dizaina filozofijām, lai radītu unikālu, mierīgu un ērtu dzīves vidi.

    Japandi būtība ir skandināvu dizaina minimālisma, tīro līniju apvienojums ar siltiem, zemes toņiem un dzeņdžeņdžeņam līdzīgu mieru, kas raksturīgs japāņu interjeriem. Šo hibrīda estētiku raksturo spēcīgs uzsvars uz dabīgiem materiāliem, piemēram, koku, bambusu un akmeni, kā arī neitrālas krāsu paletes, kas rada miera un harmonijas sajūtu. Japandi interjeros bieži vien ir ar rokām darināti, amatnieku darināti elementi, kas demonstrē nepilnību skaistumu, ko japāņu kultūrā dēvē par "wabi-sabi", vienlaikus iekļaujot arī skandināvu dizaina "lagom" koncepciju, kas veicina līdzsvaru un mērenību visos dzīves aspektos. Šo principu pārdomāta apvienošana rada gan funkcionālas, gan vizuāli pievilcīgas telpas, kurās katram priekšmetam ir savs mērķis un kas veicina kopējo labsajūtu. Japandi dizainā būtiska nozīme ir tekstūrai, un, lai radītu mājīgu, taustes sajūtu, uzsvars tiek likts uz dabīgām šķiedrām, piemēram, linu un kokvilnu.

    Japandi stils, iekļaujot tādus elementus kā pārdomāti izvietoti apstādījumi un izkliedēts gaismojums, piedāvā nomierinošu atkāpi no ikdienas haosa, aicinot mājokļa iemītniekus palēnināt tempu, elpot un patiesi izbaudīt apkārtnes skaistumu.

    Izvēloties Japandi stila apgaismojumu, ir svarīgi ievērot šīs dizaina tendences pamatprincipus, galveno uzmanību pievēršot vienkāršībai, funkcionalitātei un harmonijai starp dabīgiem materiāliem un elegantām formām. Lai panāktu perfektu līdzsvaru, ņemiet vērā šo paraugpraksi:

    1. Izvēlieties tīras līnijas un minimālistiskas formas kas papildina Japandi interjeru mierīgo atmosfēru. Izvairieties no pārāk grezniem vai aizņemtiem dizainiem, jo tie var izjaukt miera sajūtu..
    2. Iekļaujiet dabīgus materiālus piemēram, koks, bambuss vai papīrs jūsu apgaismes ķermeņos, lai uzsvērtu saikni ar dabu un radītu siltu, mājīgu atmosfēru.
    3. Lai radītu mājīgu un nomierinošu atmosfēru, izvēlieties apgaismojumu, kas nodrošina maigāku, izkliedētu mirdzumu, piemēram, matēta stikla vai auduma toņus.
    4. Dodiet priekšroku energoefektīviem LED apgaismojuma risinājumiem, kas atbilst Japandi ilgtspējīgas dzīves un vides apziņas filozofijai.
    5. Izvēlieties universālus ķermeņus, piemēram, regulējamas stāvlampas vai dimmējamus piekaramos gaismekļus, kas nodrošina gan apkārtējās vides, gan darba apgaismojumu, lai apmierinātu dažādas vajadzības, vienlaikus saglabājot minimālisma estētiku.
    6. Ievērojiet koncepciju "lagom", pārdomāti izvietojot apgaismojuma avotus telpā, nepārblīvējot telpu un nodrošinot līdzsvarotu un harmonisku gaismas sadalījumu.
    7. Kombinējiet dažādus apgaismojuma veidus, piemēram, stāvlampas, galda lampas un sienas lampas, lai radītu dinamisku un elastīgu apgaismojuma shēmu, ko var pielāgot dažādām noskaņām un darbībām.
    8. Eksperimentējiet ar neitrālām krāsu paletēm saviem apgaismes ķermeņiem, izvēloties tādus toņus kā balts, smilškrāsas vai maigi pelēks, lai nevainojami saplūstu ar Japānas interjeru dabiskajiem toņiem.
    9. Meklējiet apgaismojuma iespējas, kas demonstrē ekspertu meistarību un unikālas dizaina detaļas, jo šie elementi veicina Japandi telpas kopējo skaistuma un pārdomātības sajūtu.
    10. Atcerieties, ka japāņu dizainā mazāk ir vairāk; izvēlieties augstas kvalitātes, pārlaicīgus apgaismes ķermeņus, kas rada smalku iespaidu un var tikt novērtēti gadiem ilgi.
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