Diese Bomma-Soap kollektion wurde von den vielfältigen Farben, der Transparenz und den sich ständig ändernden Formen inspiriert – den charakteristischen Merkmalen von Seifenblasen. Bei Beleuchtung verwandelt sich der metallische Glanz seiner Oberfläche in schillerndes und durchscheinendes Licht und bringt seinen kristallenen Charakter zum Vorschein. Die gesamte Soap kollektion wird von Bomma in der Technik des Handblasens ohne Form hergestellt. Das bedeutet, dass jeder Soap tropfen in seiner Form einzigartig ist.
Bomma Soap Small Pendant Light - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Small Pendant Light was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini Pendant Light - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini Pendant Light was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Large Pendant Light - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Large Pendant Light was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 26 Square Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 26 Square Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes...
Bomma Soap Mini 12 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 12 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 26 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 26 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 9 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 9 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 6 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 6 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap Mini 3 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap Mini 3 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap 10 Square Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 10 Square Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the...
Bomma Soap 11 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 11 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the characteristic features...
Bomma Soap 7 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 7 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the characteristic features...
Bomma Soap 5 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 5 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the characteristic features...
Bomma Soap 3 Chandelier - The magical quality of iridescence This Bomma Soap 3 Chandelier was inspired by the varied colors, transparency and continuously changing shapes – the characteristic features...
Der scheinbar perfekte Tropfen aus geschmolzenem Glas erhält eine einzigartige Form und ein einzigartiges Farbspektrum. Zu den Hauptvorteilen der Soap Collection von Bomma gehört die Möglichkeit, eindrucksvolle Kompositionen aus einer größeren Anzahl einzelner Leuchten zu erstellen oder deren Farbschemata zu kombinieren.
Faszinierend, überraschend und sehr modern: Bommas Soap verleiht jeder Art von Inneneinrichtung Leben und Charakter. Im Herzen eines Wohnzimmers, über einem Esstisch, einem Schreibtisch oder als beruhigender Stern in einem Schlafzimmer verleiht es Ihren verschiedenen Räumen eine elegant-futuristische Note.
Are you a trade proffessional or looking to make a larger order for your home or business?
Send us an email at info@luminesy.com with the items you are interested in and our sales team will prepare a competitive quote.
More information here.